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Resonating Colours 5
《原音幻彩 5》
Works 曲目:
Wong Hok-yeung Alfred: Night Poem
Chan Chin-ting: Cross-Currents
Chan Chin-ting: Postcards
Lee Kar-tai Phoebus: Pyrus Flower in Rain
Chen Yeung-ping: Stretch of Light
Ng Chun-hoi Daniel: Prelude II (WuXing Interaction)
Au Tin-yung Alex: Dyeing
Ng Chun-hoi Daniel: November Winds
Wong Chun-wai: Clouds in Twlight
Supported by 贊助:Hong Kong Arts Development Council - 香港藝術發展局
Available on Spotify 線上收聽:
Available on Apple Music 線上收聽:
Year of Publishing 出版年份:2019
Price 售價:Not for Sale 不作售賣
Melodious Hong Kong
Works 曲目:
Richard Tsang - Thinking of the Sages 曾葉發《思賢曲》
Joshua Chan - Rocky Waves 陳錦標《岩浪》
Cheung Pui-shan - Dai Pai Dong II 張珮珊《大排檔II》
Kwok Hang-kei - Hong Kong, My Love 郭肯基《香江戀》
Lam Lan-chee - Drummer.Festive 林蘭芝《擊擊樂.礁》
Chan Ming-chi - I Love Hong Kong Red White Blue陳明志《我愛香港紅.白.藍》
Chan Wing-wah - Eight Steeds 陳永華《八駿》
Conductor 指揮:Yan Huichang 閻惠昌
Supported by 贊助:Hong Kong Arts Development Council - 香港藝術發展局
Year of Publishing 出版年份:2018
Price 售價:$120
Chinese Orchestral Works by Hong Kong Composers
Works 曲目:
Joshua Chan: In the Days of the Travelling Tram 陳錦標《電車走過的日子》
Mui Kwong-chiu: Rhapsody of Color Clouds Chasing the Moon 梅廣釗《彩雲追月狂想曲》
Mok Kin-yee: Cycles of Destiny 莫健兒《圓來緣去》
Hui Cheung-wai: Nine Dragons: Dance to Soar 許翔威《飛舞九龍城》
Alfred Wong: 2 Pieces from “The Eight Immortals’ Adventures” - Song of the Sea & An Illusive Dream 黃學揚《八仙過海二樂章》:《海之歌》及《黃粱一夢》
Tang Lok-yin: The Great Evacuation 鄧樂妍《遷界令》
Chris Hung: Borobudur 洪銘健《婆羅浮屠》
Conductor 指揮:Yan Huichang 閻惠昌
Performed by 演出者:Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra 香港中樂團
Supported by 贊助:Hong Kong Arts Development Council - 香港藝術發展局
Year of Publishing 出版年份:2015
Price 售價:$120
Resonating Colours 4
《原音幻彩 4》
Works 曲目:
Stephen Yip: Flying Ink 葉樹堅《墨飛色化》
Chen Chi-wai Jason: Global Warning 陳智偉《全球警號》
Chan Kai-young: Shimmers the Shivery Moon 陳啟揚《月光寒》
Chris Hung: Ever-changing Veins of Stone 洪銘健《石紋變》
Austin Yip: Tube 葉浩堃《隧》
Hui Cheung-wai: Nocturne for Voyager in Space 許翔威《越空探索者之夜曲》
Wong Chun-wai: Second Seal-Rider on the Red Horse 黃俊諱《第二封印 ﹣紅馬騎士》
Supported by 贊助:Hong Kong Arts Development Council - 香港藝術發展局
Year of Publishing 出版年份:2014
Price 售價:$100
Resonating Colours 3 - Piano Works by Hong Kong Composers
《原音幻彩 3 -香港作曲家鋼琴作品》
Works 曲目:
Hui Cheung-wai: Berceuse 許翔威《搖籃曲》
Ng Chun-hoi Daniel: Morning Rain 吳俊凱《南山朝雨》
Lee Wan-ki Wendy: Kirie 李允琪《剪藝》
Lam Lan-chee: Autumn Sketch 林蘭芝《秋季素描》
Adrian Lam: Crater Lake 林瀚聰《火山湖》
Wong Chun-wai: Lost in the Desert 黃俊諱《迷失曠野》
Supported by 贊助:Hong Kong Arts Development Council - 香港藝術發展局
Year of Publishing 出版年份:2013
Price 售價:$100