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WONG Hung-pok

Hung-pok is a Hong Kong-born composer who has received multifaceted music training including choral, Chinese and Western percussion, cello, and composition since a young age. With such a diverse background, his compositional interests span from serious and popular music. Wong’s research focuses on the representation of extramusical elements in actual music and the derivation of musical concepts into reality. Over the years, Wong has actively participated in the music education industry while continuing to compose. In 2021, he was awarded full assistantship and employment by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in the United States to pursue a Master of Music degree in string pedagogy. During his time in the U.S., he also immersed himself in music composition, leading to his pursuit of another Master of Music degree at his alma mater, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in music. Wong served as the principal cellist during his school days in the U.S. Upon returning to Hong Kong, he remains an active section cellist and percussionist in various Western and Chinese orchestras. He is also a holder of the Licentiate Diploma in cello performance (LTCL) from Trinity College London with distinctions. Currently, he is a bass singer and vocal percussionist in the local A Capella group, the Gay Singers. 

黃鴻博⾃幼參與多種⾳樂訓練,包括合唱、中⻄敲擊樂、鋼琴、⼤提琴及作曲,⾜跡遍布多個國 家。黃⽒於⼆零⼀三年取得香港中⽂⼤學⽂學⼠榮譽學位,及後⼀直致⼒於本地⾳樂教育及演藝 事業,為多間中⼩學⾳樂導師、樂團指揮及顧問。黃⽒於⼆零⼆⼀年獲美國威斯康辛⼤學米爾華 基分校全額資助及聘⽤,赴美攻讀弦樂教學法⾳樂碩⼠,同時任該校教學助理。 成長經歷令黃⽒之作曲風格不囿於嚴肅或流⾏⾳樂,但同時以中⻄哲學及⼈⽂概念為中⼼,貫穿 作品之間。其研究興趣為標題⾳樂與聲⾳本⾝之間的再現及表述⼿法,故於⼆零⼆四年秋季將重 返⺟校香港中⽂⼤學修讀研究式作曲碩⼠課程。 黃鴻博旅美期間為⼤學管弦樂團⼤提琴⾸席,於曾為多個本地樂團之⼤提琴⼿及敲擊樂⼿。黃⽒ 早年以優異成績考獲倫敦聖三⼀學院⼤提琴執業⽂憑(LTCL),並為本地無伴奏合唱組合姬聲雅 ⼠男低⾳及⼈聲敲擊。




• Kwanpang (2023) [6’50”] for yangqin and fixed media 

• Reincarnation (2022) [8’] for string quartet 

• Dream Lover (2016) [7’] for flue and jazz quartet 

• In Search of the Sun (2015) [15’] for percussion sextet 

• “Rosa Robus” Suite (2014) [17’06”] for piano, flute, alto saxophone, percussion (with SATB voices) 

• Path (2013) [12’] for xiao, percussion, piano, erhu quartet, cello and narrator 

• Transcendence (2013) [6’30”] for zhonghu and piano 


• “Jat-set” Suite (2023) [8’15”] for solo alto saxophone 

• Compulsiveness (2013) [4’30”] for solo piano 


• Hälfte des Lebens (2022) [5’30”] for mezzo-soprano and piano 

• Scar (2016) [5’] for soprano and jazz quartet 

• At Last (2015) [6’] for mezzo-soprano and jazz quintet 

• With Things as Such (2013) [5’] for pop  A Capella and vocal percussion



• 《鯤鵬》(2023) [6’50”] 揚琴與固定媒體

 • 《輪迴六道》(2022) [8’] 弦樂四重奏 

• 《夢中⼈》(2016) [7’] 長笛與爵⼠四重奏 

• 《覓⽇》(2015) [15’] 敲擊樂六重奏 

• 《荼蘼組曲》(2014) [17’06”] 鋼琴、長笛、  中⾳⾊⼠風、敲擊樂(兼四聲部合唱) 

• 《路》(2013) [12’] 洞簫、敲擊樂、鋼琴、  胡琴四重奏、⼤提琴及旁述 

• 《超⽣》(2013) [6’30”] 中胡與鋼琴 


• 《「⼀set」組曲》(2023) [8’15”] 中⾳⾊⼠ 風獨奏 

• 《執》(2013) [4’30”] 鋼琴獨奏 


• 《半浮⽣》(2022) [5’30”] 女中⾳與鋼琴 

• 《痕》(2016) [5’] 女⾼⾳與爵⼠四重奏 

• 《後期》(2015) [6’] 女中⾳與爵⼠五重奏 

• 《如今》(2013) [5’] 流⾏無伴奏合唱⼩組  與⼈聲敲擊 

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