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WONG Ching-yin

Wong is currently studying music at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in the second year, majoring in pipe organ under Dr. Anne Lam. Since secondary school, he engaged in composing and arranging, in particular Chinese orchestral and contemporary chamber works.

Wong actively composes for different settings. In 2015 and 2016, Wong’s works Entanglements and Fanfare were selected respectively for the Music from the Heart concerts of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. In March 2016, his Chinese orchestral miniature …Standing at the far end of street, where the candlelight is the dimmest was discussed in the orchestral workshop at the Chinese Music Without Bounds - International Composers' Summit. In the recent years at the university, his works Asian Colors for Erhu Quartet and Vibes (4 Moments for Chamber Group) are premiered the Bauhinia Concert, a student composers’ showcase and were selected in both 2016 and 2017.

Wong also performs on Chinese musical instruments. He studied erhu under guidance of Mr. Cheung Wai-fung. He was featured as soloists in multiple concerts, and is currently the concertmaster of the Hong Kong Youth Chinese Orchestra. He has followed the orchestra to tours in Taiwan, Shenyang and Shanghai. In the university, he is member of the Chinese music ensemble and has toured in Tsinghua University at Beijing China, as well as University of Cambridge and University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.

現為香港中文大學音樂系學士二年級生,師承林芍彬博士主修管風琴。自中學 年代,他投入於作曲和編曲,以現代民族管弦樂隊合奏和現代室內樂為主。

黃正彥積極為不同場合作曲。作品《纏繞》和《嘹亮》曾分別於 2015 和 2016年入選香港中樂團心樂集徵曲活動。2016 年三月,作品《那人,卻在燈火闌珊處》於中樂無疆界「國際作曲家高峰會」上被香港中樂團演奏。近年於大學裡,二胡四重奏《亞洲色彩》和室內樂《給室內樂組的 4 個瞬間:氛圍》亦分別於2016 和 2017 年入選音樂系紫荊音樂會。


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