TING Chung-wai Brian
Brian Ting received his Master's degree in music composition from The Chinese University of Hong Kong under the supervision of Prof. Wendy Lee. He previously studied composition with Prof. Victor Chan and Dr. Lo Hau-man. His music has been premiered by Atlas Ensemble, Hong Kong Kamerata, Trio de TST and Chinese Music Virtuosi. His composition for Chinese Music Virtuosi, "Slashes of Frost and Wind", was awarded both the David Gwilt Composition Prize and audience prize. His composition "Flower Burial under a Pallid Moon" won the second prize in New Generation 2012 organized by Hong Kong Composers' Guild. He is also the recipient of numerous musical awards, including the Bernard van Zuidan Music Prize and the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Scholarship.
丁宗偉現為香港中文大學作曲碩士,師隨李允琪教授。丁氏亦曾跟隨陳偉光教授及盧厚敏博士研習作曲。丁氏的作品曾由Atlas Ensemble, 管樂雅集、TST三重奏及龢鳴樂坊首演。他為龢鳴樂坊而作的作品「風刀霜劍」獲頒紀大衛作曲獎之餘亦被觀眾選為當晚最佳作品。他的「殘月葬花」贏得音樂新一代2012的第二名。他亦獲頒多個獎學金,包括Bernard van Zuidan 音樂獎以及香港作曲家及作詞家協會獎學金。