MUI Kwong-chiu
Dr Mui Kwong-chiu is the Chairman of the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild; Director of Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong (CASH), Chinese Musicians’ Association member; Artistic Director of World Dulcimer Orchestra; an Examiner in Music at the Hong Kong Arts Development Council; Advisor of the Hong Kong Yanqin Association; Honorary Advisor of the Music Program of the School of Continuing and Professional Studies of The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Honorary Advisor of Tien Ma Chorus, and Hong Kong Parents Choir; Honorary Composer-in-Residence of the Hong Kong Harmonica Association. He also sat on the jury panel of the Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival, World Harmonica Festival and Hong Kong Drum Festival. In 2020 he was awarded ‘The 14th Hong Kong Arts Development Award’ Artist of the Year (Music) by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. In 2018, for his achievements in music and contribution to Hong Kong society, he was awarded the Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) Distinguished Communication Alumni Award to celebrate HKBU Communication 50th anniversary.
Dr Mui holds a PhD and M. Phil in Music at The University of Hong Kong, and a Bachelor's degree in Cinematography at Hong Kong Baptist University. He immersed himself in an array of diverse and innovative music and art projects: Fight the Covid 19 Song for Hong Kong antivirus campaign; Bauhinia Blossom – Cross media Musical Show in relation to the National Security Education Day 2022 (as Composer/ Script/ Director); Theme music for West Kowloon Palace Museum, History of Hong Kong I, II, III, IV (all RTHK TV production) ; The Great Earth Flute, Piano Concerto with Chorale; Cross media Chinese Music Theatre Intoxicating Nature and Ode to Water for Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra (HKCO); Chinese Folk Melody Suite for Hong Kong String Orchestra, Fatherland for HKCO; Evergreen Pine Trees for Allegro Singers; The Beach Multimedia Concert of the 1st Hong Kong Youth Festival in Sai Kung (as Composer/Director); The Spirited Lion Dance Drums featured in the HKCO Hong Kong Drum Festival 2018; Hero Erhu Concerto; Snowy Mountain in Spring Yangqin Concerto premiered in The 3rd International Dulcimer Music Festival in Beijing; Elijah, You Make me Fly Again (Cross Media Revival Musical) ; and many original music themes for RTHK TV series.
梅廣釗博士為香港作曲家聯會主席、香港作曲家及作詞家協會理事,世界揚琴樂團藝術總監、香港藝術發展局音樂界別審批員、香港揚琴總會顧問、香港中文大學專業進修學院音樂課程榮譽顧問、天馬合唱團、家長合唱團榮譽顧問、香港口琴協會榮譽駐團作曲家,亦多次為亞太口琴節、世界口琴節及香港鼓樂節擔任榮譽評審。2020 獲香港藝術發展局頒發第十四屆香港藝術發展獎藝術家年獎; 2018年因其音樂成就獲頒香港浸會大學傳理學院「傑出傳理人獎」。
梅氏畢業於香港大學音樂系,獲頒哲學博士和碩士;亦畢業於香港浸會大學電影系。梅氏音樂創作豐富和多元化: 包括2022年為香港抗疫的宣傳歌曲「全民抗疫」; 「紫荊花開」跨媒體音樂匯演(作曲/文本/導演,由香港國安處主辦,港台製作,闡述香港國安法的概念和香港的歷史);港台製作的西九文化博物館,(片頭音樂及配樂);2017在黑龍江大慶歌劇院首演之《大地》鋼琴、長笛、管弦樂雙協奏曲之三大樂章《泰山、大江曲、長城故事》;香港中樂團40樂季載譽重演的跨媒體中樂劇融合豐富中國文化、音樂、詩舞於一爐香港中樂團中樂劇《山花醉》及 《千水情》的全劇作曲 ;為香港弦樂團編曲之「戀戀民謠組曲 I, II」(編曲);香港中樂團的「大地恩情」音樂會(統籌/編曲);2018/19 年度包括第 一屆香港青年節海灘實景跨界音樂會《千帆並舉耀香江》(作曲兼導演)、香港中樂團鼓樂節之《獅鼓樂飛揚》 ;二胡協奏曲《大漠之歌》、北京舉行的第三屆國際 揚琴音樂節揚琴協奏曲《春雪千峰》、港台電視《香港歷史系列I,II,III,IV》,《香港風物誌》系列原創配樂及悉尼舉行之「以利亞飛鷹再展翅」跨媒體奮興音樂神劇(全劇作曲兼導演)。
梅廣釗博士促進本會與國際組織之間的交流合作。在2013年,梅博士曾經代表協會及香港電台第四台出席在捷克布拉格舉行的國際作曲家論壇(International Rostrum of Composers);於2017年及2018年參加分別在溫哥華及北京舉行的國際現代音樂節(International Society for Contemporary Music),以及在台北舉行的亞洲作曲家聯盟大會暨亞太音樂節(Asian Composers League Festival and Conference)等。
Orchestral (Western)
The River of Clouds for Harmonica Orchestra (2006) 7'
for harmonica orchestra
Glamour of Asia Pacific (2004) 5'
for a thousand harmonicas - for the Grand Finale of Fifth Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival
Prelude for Harmonica Orchestra (2003) 7'
for harmonica orchestra
Sea Breeze Sketches (2002) 19'
for Handbell and Orchestra
I. The Sea and Wind Dialogue
II. Leaves in the Wind
III. The Dawn Breaks
Symphonic Poem-Genesis (2000) 18'
A Dream in the City (1999) 10'
Symphonic Poem Prelude II (1994) 10'
Symphonic Poem Prelude I (1992) 10'
Orchestral (Chinese)
Bring in the Wine (2005) 8'
Rhapsody of Color Cloud Chasing the Moon (2004) 10'
Farewell at the Inn (1996) 9'
Symphonic Poem Song of the Yellow Soil (1995) 10'
Chamber (Western)
Twinkling Reflections (2004) 11' for cl, vc & pf
Spirit II (2002) 9' for piano and clarinet
Hong Kong Landscape Suite (2001) 14'
for harmonica quintet, pf & percussionsColor Clouds Suite (2000) 15'
for harmonica quintetInnervision I (1999) 10'
for string quartetInnervision II (1999) 7'
for string quartetMusic of the Universe (1997) 12'
for perc ensembleNight (1995) 9'
for fl, vn & pfJourney (1992) 4'
for string quartet
Chamber (Chinese)
Moonlight Reflections over Cloudy Ripples (2003) 13'
for guzheng, zhongrhan and xiao
Plum Blossom in the Snow (2001) 8'
for Chinese plucked-string ensembleMoon Palace Reflected on Sea of Clouds (2000) 9'
for Chinese wind ensemble & percussionsDrunken Night at the Peak of the Mountain (1999) 8'
for Chinese ensemble
Chamber (Mixed)
Rhapsody of Beautiful Clouds Chasing the Moon (2003) 10' for Harmonica Quintet, shengand Piano
Three Petite Pieces (2002) 13' for guitar, sheng, violin and viola
I Chasing the Waves
II Air Eleganza
III The Three Giggs
Song of Free Birds (2001) 5'
for 2 dizi's, fl & pfAutumn Landscape Suite (2000) 14'
for harmonica quintet, sheng, hp, pf & percThe World of Da Tong (2000) 10'
for mixed ensemble
Instrumental Solo
Spirit I (1997) 5'
for clSong of the River (1995) 8'
for pfLake Lo Fuo (1994) 5'
for zhengTwo Preludes (1992) 5'
for pfViolin Solo in G Minor (1992) 8'
for vn & pfThe Wind of Spring (1992) 5'
for zhengFour Seasons (1992) 10'
for pf
Vocal / Choral
Hong Kong, You are Beautiful! (2005) 8'
Min Feng San Yue (2005) 13' for mixed chorus
情繫香江 (2002) 10' for mixed chorus
Yuen Long Tone Poem (2001) 6'
for children chorusSong of the Universe (2000) 5'
for sopranoThe Drunken Old Man (1995) 8'
for solo tenor & pfNian Xie (1994) 5'
for solo soprano & pfTrain (1994) 10'
for chorusEmpty Streets (1992) 6'
for soprano & pf浣溪沙 (1992) 8'
for solo alto, chorus & pfPicking Lotus (1992) 4'
for tenor, soprano duet with pfTo Remember (1992) 10'
for chorus, pf & perc
Electro-Acoustic Music / Computer Music
Vibration in Stillness(2004) 70' for electronic music, live percussions and choreography
Music for Ballet / Dance
Vibration in Stillness(2004) 70' for electronic music, live percussions and choreography
Music for Theatre / Drama
The Seven Wise Men from the Bamboo Grove (1994) 45' for drama
Children theatrical puppet musical The Little Fish (2006) 90' for musical
Multimedia / Installation
Drunken Night at the Peak of the Mountain (2000) 11' for Chinese ensemble, multi-media & dancer
Meditation at the Sea (2001) 15'
for tape, fl, vc & dancer
Music for Video Production
The Story of Tea II (1997) 20'
for Chinese ensembleThe Art of Wan Lau (1996) 20'
for MIDI productionThe Story of Tea I (1995) 20'
for Chinese ensemble
Music for TV
Original soundtracks for over 40 episodes of RTHK TV series since 1990
Film Music / Jingles
Film Music for Cream Soda and Milk(1982) 30'
Jingle for Esko Products Spring/ Summer (male version) (1984) 30
Jingle for Esko Products Spring/ Summer (male version) (1984) 15
Jingle for Esko Products Spring/ Summer (female version) (1984) 15
Jingle for Esko Products Autumn/Winter (male version) (1984) 30
Jingle for Esko Products Autumn/Winter (male version) (1984) 15
Jingle for Esko Products Autumn/Winter (female version) (1984) 15
Publications / Paper Presentations
The article entitled ‘Analysis of Tan Dun's Ghost Opera' by Mui Kwong Chiu was collected lin A Collection of Articles in Commemoration of the 20 Anniversary of the Hong Kong Ethnomusicology Society, jointlypublished by Center of Asian Studies, HKU and Hong Kong Ethnomusicology Society in September 2005.
An essay entitled ‘The mixing instrumentations of harmonica with other musical instruments as seen from the newly created harmonica compositions' was published in the book ‘Seventy Years of Hong Kong Harmonica' published by Joint Publishing Co. Ltd. in August, 2004.
A review entitled ‘The Fifth Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival 2004' was published in the September issue, 2004 in the quarterly publication CASHFLOW of Composers and Author's Society of Hong Kong (CASH).
A research paper entitled ‘New Possibilities for Chinese Instrumental Music: Compositional Techniques in Two Original Chamber Works' was delivered in the Research Colloquia in Autumn 2003 in the Department of Music at the University of Hong Kong. The paper discusses the incorporation of compositional techniques from both Chinese and Western traditions as integrated in Mui Kwong Chiu's two musical works.
Music Theatre and Multi Media: Teaching Resource Kit." (in collaboration with Joshua Chan) In Contemporary Music Education Campaign of the ISCM World Music Days 2002. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Composers' Guild and the Education Department, 2002.
‘Analysis of Tan Dun's Ghost Opera' by Mui Kwong Chiu was first published as papers and proceedings of the Sixth Seminar on the History of New Music in China: Its Form, Craftsmanship and Aesthetics in 2000. It was later published in the same year in Collected Essays on History of New Music in China, Vol. No 6 by HKU Center of Asia Studies.
A feature article entitled ‘An Exploration of Coherence in Music from Pop Song to Serious Music' was published in Issue 29 in the summer of 1999 in CASHFLOW the quarterly publication of CASH. In the article, compositional techniques in both pop and contemporary music genre were discussed, with a special focus on some of Joseph Koo's modulation techniques and his twin use of modes, with illustrations from some of his pop songs serving as demonstrations.
Part of Mui Kwong Chiu's vocal music (serious category) from 1980 to 1999 have been listed in ‘Hong Kong Vocal Music: A General Index' among the works of other prominent Hong Kong Composers. Chinese Christians Literature Council Ltd published the collection of vocal music with the above index in March 1999, with sponsorship from Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
管弦樂 (西樂)
天上雲河 (2006) 7’ for harmonica orchestra
Glamour of Asia Pacific (2004) 5’ for a thousand harmonicas - for the Grand Finale of Fifth Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival
口琴樂隊前奏曲 (2003) 7’ for harmonica orchestra
海韻風情 (2002) 19’ for Handbell and Orchestra
I. The Sea and Wind Dialogue
II. Leaves in the Wind
III. The Dawn Breaks
交響詩《創世紀》 (2000) 18'
城市中的夢想 (1999) 10'
思潮 (1994) 10'
生命序曲 (1992) 10'
管弦樂 (中樂)
將進酒 (2005) 8’
彩雲追月狂想曲 (2004) 10’
酒肆留別 (1996) 9'
黃土鄉情 (1995) 10'
室樂 (西樂)
銀海星閃 (2004) 11' for cl, vc & pf
Spirit II (2002) 9’ for piano and clarinet
香江素描組曲 (2001) 14'
for harmonica quintet, pf & percussions紅映雪語組曲 (2000) 15'
for harmonica quintet
心語一 (1999) 10'
for string quartet
心語二 (1999) 7'
for string quartet
Music of the Universe (1997) 12'
for perc ensemble
夜 (1995) 9'
for fl, vn & pf
旅程 (1992) 4'
for string quartet
室樂 (中樂)
水雲月 (2003) 13'
for guzheng, zhongrhan and xiao
傲雪寒梅 (2001) 8'
for Chinese plucked-string ensemble雲海暉月映瓊宮 (2000) 9'
for Chinese wind ensemble & percussions夜醉凌峰 (1999) 8'
for Chinese ensemble
室樂 (混合)
彩雲追月狂想曲 (2003) 10' for Harmonica Quintet, sheng and Piano
Three Petite Pieces (2002) 13’ for guitar, sheng, violin and viola
I Chasing the Waves
II Air Eleganza
III 三擊
三鳥朝陽 (2001) 5'
for 2 dizi's, fl & pf秋山紅葉組曲 (2000) 14'
for harmonica quintet, sheng, hp, pf & perc世界大同 (2000) 10'
for mixed ensemble
Spirit I (1997) 5'
for cl大江曲 (1995) 8'
for pf盧沽湖 (1994) 5'
for zhengTwo Preludes (1992) 5'
for pfViolin Solo in G Minor (1992) 8'
for vn & pf春風 (1992) 5'
for zheng春夏秋冬 (1992) 10'
for pf
聲樂 / 合唱
Hong Kong, You are Beautiful! (2005) 8’
民風三樂 (2005) 13' for mixed chorus
情繫香江 (2002) 10' for mixed chorus
元朗音畫 (2001) 6'
for children chorusSong of the Universe (2000) 5'
for soprano老酒三兩三 (1995) 8'
for solo tenor & pf靈犀 (1994) 5'
for solo soprano & pf一列車 (1994) 10'
for chorus空巷 (1992) 6'
for soprano & pf浣溪沙 (1992) 8'
for solo alto, chorus & pf採蓮歌 (1992) 4'
for tenor, soprano duet with pf念 (1992) 10'
for chorus, pf & perc
電子音樂 / 電腦音樂
音悠極擊 (2004) 70' for electronic music, live percussions and choreography
音悠極擊 (2004) 70' for electronic music, live percussions and choreography
竹林七賢 (1994) 45' 話劇
小魚與海 (2006) 90' 音樂劇
多媒體音樂 / 裝置音樂
夜醉凌峰多媒體舞蹈版 (2000) 11' for Chinese ensemble, multi-media & dancer
海的變奏 (2001) 15'
for tape, fl, vc & dancer
茶的藝術 (1997) 20'
for Chinese ensemble文樓的藝術 (1996) 20'
for MIDI production茗趣 (1995) 20'
for Chinese ensemble
Original soundtracks for over 40 episodes of RTHK TV series since 1990
電影配樂《忌廉溝鮮奶(1982) 30'
Jingle for Esko Products Spring/ Summer (male version) (1984) 30
Jingle for Esko Products Spring/ Summer (male version) (1984) 15
Jingle for Esko Products Spring/ Summer (female version) (1984) 15
Jingle for Esko Products Autumn/Winter (male version) (1984) 30
Jingle for Esko Products Autumn/Winter (male version) (1984) 15
Jingle for Esko Products Autumn/Winter (female version) (1984) 15
出版刊物 / 發表文章
The article entitled ‘Analysis of Tan Dun’s Ghost Opera’ by Mui Kwong Chiu was collected lin A Collection of Articles in Commemoration of the 20 Anniversary of the Hong Kong Ethnomusicology Society, jointlypublished by Center of Asian Studies, HKU and Hong Kong Ethnomusicology Society in September 2005.
An essay entitled ‘The mixing instrumentations of harmonica with other musical instruments as seen from the newly created harmonica compositions’ was published in the book ‘Seventy Years of Hong Kong Harmonica’ published by Joint Publishing Co. Ltd. in August, 2004.
A review entitled ‘The Fifth Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival 2004’ was published in the September issue, 2004 in the quarterly publication CASHFLOW of Composers and Author’s Society of Hong Kong (CASH).
A research paper entitled ‘New Possibilities for Chinese Instrumental Music: Compositional Techniques in Two Original Chamber Works’ was delivered in the Research Colloquia in Autumn 2003 in the Department of Music at the University of Hong Kong. The paper discusses the incorporation of compositional techniques from both Chinese and Western traditions as integrated in Mui Kwong Chiu’s two musical works.
Music Theatre and Multi Media: Teaching Resource Kit." (in collaboration with Joshua Chan) In Contemporary Music Education Campaign of the ISCM World Music Days 2002. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Composers' Guild and the Education Department, 2002.
‘Analysis of Tan Dun’s Ghost Opera’ by Mui Kwong Chiu was first published as papers and proceedings of the Sixth Seminar on the History of New Music in China: Its Form, Craftsmanship and Aesthetics in 2000. It was later published in the same year in Collected Essays on History of New Music in China, Vol. No 6 by HKU Center of Asia Studies.
A feature article entitled ‘An Exploration of Coherence in Music from Pop Song to Serious Music’ was published in Issue 29 in the summer of 1999 in CASHFLOW the quarterly publication of CASH. In the article, compositional techniques in both pop and contemporary music genre were discussed, with a special focus on some of Joseph Koo’s modulation techniques and his twin use of modes, with illustrations from some of his pop songs serving as demonstrations.
Part of Mui Kwong Chiu’s vocal music (serious category) from 1980 to 1999 have been listed in ‘Hong Kong Vocal Music: A General Index’ among the works of other prominent Hong Kong Composers. Chinese Christians Literature Council Ltd published the collection of vocal music with the above index in March 1999, with sponsorship from Hong Kong Arts Development Council.