MOK Kin-yee Raymond
Raymond Mok obtained the FTCL in Music Composition from the Trinity College, a Master of Philosophy in Music Composition from the University of Hong Kong and Doctor of Philosophy in Music Composition from the University of Adelaide. A number of teachers were influential to his studies, including Prof. Ip Shun-chi, Prof. Ye Xiao-gang, Dr. Chan Hing-yan, Dr. Graeme Koehne and Dr. Kimi Coaldrake.
As a composer, Mok’s compositions had been widely performed in concerts such as Music to Touch Your Heart (1999, 2000, & 2001 in Hong Kong), HK Musicarama (2000), Beijing Modern Music Festival (2004, 2007, & 2009), ISCM-ACL, World Music Days (2007 in Hong Kong), Hong Kong Cadenza (2008 & 2010), UNESCO International Rostrum of Composers (2009 in Paris), The Review of Chinese Symphonic Music in the Past Century and the 2nd China Symphonic Festival – Hebei Performance Week(2010 in Hebei), Singapore International Competition for Chinese Orchestral Composition, Concert and Award Presentation(2011 in Singapore), 29th Asian Composers League Conference and Festival (2011 in Taiwan) …
Raymond migrated to Macau in 2002 and is currently a lecturer in the Music School of Macau Polytechnic Institute. In 2011, his composition “Cycles of Destiny” gained the Nanyang Award from Singapore International Competition for Chinese Orchestral Composition.
持有倫敦聖三一音樂學院作曲院士文憑、香港大學作曲哲學碩士及澳洲阿德萊德大學作曲哲學博士。學習期間重要的老師分別是葉純之教授、葉小鋼教授、陳慶恩博士、格美. 高尼博士及金美. 哥積克博士。
其作品曾在香港中樂團心樂集(1999、2000、2001)、香港音樂新文化(2000)、北京現代音樂節(2004、2007、2009)及國際現代音樂協會世界音樂日(2007香港)、香港中樂團香江華采(2008、2010)、聯合國教科文組織之國際作曲家論壇(2009 巴黎)、中國交響樂世紀回顧暨第二屆中國交響音樂季-河北展演周(2010)、新加坡國際華樂作曲大賽得獎作品音樂會 (2011 新加坡)及亞洲作曲家聯盟大會暨亞太音樂節(2011 臺灣)等中發表。
莫氏在2002年后移居澳門,任教於澳門理工學院音樂課程。 在2011年,其作《圓來緣去》在新加坡國際華樂作曲大賽中榮獲南洋獎。