LEUNG Chi-pong
After obtaining a Bachelor degree in Art (Music) from Hong Kong Baptist University, Leung Chi Pong is studying master in music (composition) in the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. His teacher includes Mr. Clarence Mak, Dr. Lo Hau Man, Dr. Christopher Keyes and Dr. Christopher Coleman. Leung’s works were performed by Bang on a Can All-Stars, Hong Kong Kamerata, Hong Kong New Music Ensemble, Hong Kong Academy Symphony Orchestra, Musicogenic Symphony Orchestra, Kwai Tsing Philharmonic Orchestra and Miss Emily Li (Handbells). In 2012, he achieved a 3rdprize in the 10th Italy Percussion Composition Competition.
Being the Music Director and Resident Conductor of Kwai Tsing Philharmonic Orchestra and Grandmaster Philharmonic Orchestra since 2009, the Hong Kong conductor Leung Chi Pong is described as “liberate expression and passion from music”. His Teacher includes Dr. Jerome Hoberman, Prof. Kenneth Kiesler, Mr. James Judd and Prof. Jerry F. Junkin. Leung had collaborated with many renowned artists, including violinist Prof. Suli Xue, pianist Dr. Karl Lo, mezzo soprano Sophie Gopsill and flutist Brian Gopsill. He has also appeared with orchestras such as The Academic Symphony Orchestra (Kharkov/Ukraine), Lithuanian State Symphony Orchestra (Lithuania) and Musicogenic Symphony Orchestra (Hong Kong). Recently, Chi Pong was selected to conduct the Berlin Sinfonietta and study with Prof. Kenneth Kiesler in March 2013.
梁志邦於香港浸會大學音樂系畢業後,入讀香港演藝學院修讀專業文憑及音樂碩士,他的老師包括麥偉鑄、盧厚敏博士、祁道緯博士和高爾文博士。他的作品曾被不同組合演奏,包括美國組合Bang on a Can All Star樂團、 香港創樂團、 Hong Kong Kamerata、演藝交響樂團 、樂賢交響樂團、葵青管弦樂團和李潔瑤小姐(手玲)。他的作品亦被帶到於哈爾科夫(烏克蘭)和里斯本(葡萄牙)公演。在2012年,梁氏憑著作品『閃雷』獲得第十屆意大利敲擊作曲比賽第三獎。
梁氏自2009年開始分別擔任『葵青管弦樂團』及『藝韻管弦樂團』的音樂總監及駐團指揮,同時受教於著名指揮家Dr. JeromeHoberman。他曾在大師班中受教於James Judd及Prof. JerryF.Junkin。他曾指揮過的樂隊包括立陶宛國家交響樂團(立陶宛)、哈爾科夫管弦樂團(烏克蘭)和樂賢交響樂團(香港)。最近,他獲選於2013年3月到德國指揮柏林小交響樂團和受教於Prof. Kenneth Kiesler。