Ho Ching-wai
Ho Ching-wai is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Music degree at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in Music Composition & Electronic Music under the guidance of Ms. Li Kar-yee. Her previous works include chamber music, A cappella, pop songs and film scoring. She has been awarded the HKSAR Government Scholarship, the HKAPA Recruitment & Outstanding Scholarships and Mr. K. S. Cheng Memorial Scholarship throughout her study years.
這首作品靈感來自於令人懷念的兒時玩具「萬花筒」。透過不同音色的運用以及打擊樂器間的互動和交織,描繪出穿透進「萬花筒」的光,色彩繽紛的幾何對稱形狀、以及不斷轉動和變換的畫 面。
This piece is inspired by the nostalgic childhood plaything, the kaleidoscope. The composition depicts the shimmering light passing through the kaleidoscope, the colourful geometric and symmetrical shapes, and the ever-changing views produced by the rotating mechanism through the use of various timbres and the rhythmic interplay of percussion instruments.