TAM Chin-fai Samuel
Tam Chin-fai, Samuel, is a Doctor of Music who had studied under Professor Victor Chan and Professor David Gwilt. His early performances include piano solo Peace and War, ensemble works Desire, Birds in Cage, multi-media My U-Life, and Concerto Grosso I, which won him the Yu Luan Shih Creativity Award.
He worked in the field of popular music production after his first graduation and had received several essential awards. In recent years, Tam has also switched his focus to the field of music education as well as remaining active in serious and pop music composition.
His works have been performed by several professional ensembles and performers, among them Swiss Contemporary Music Duo UMS ‘n JIP, Bang On A Can-All-Stars, Hong Kong Kamerata, Sregnis Singers, CAYM Ensemble, The Cantacore Society, tenor Valentin Johannes Gloor, pianists Simone Keller and Shum Kin-wai, and yangqin player Brian Lai, etc., in Italy, Switzerland, Australia, France, Mongolia and Hong Kong.
His new works show great interest in Chinese subjects and attempt to blend tonal and atonal sounds in a contemporary musical context. Recent performed pieces include Moments, Three Chinese Poems, Memoir of Ying Wa, Dead Water, Kuang Fu, If Life is Unknown…, Jazzy Illusion of a Chinaman, extracts from Symphony II – Morrison, the series of Liao Zhai, Qiang Jin Jiu, etc. His string quartet Shan Shui I was selected for the final round of the 7th International Contemporary Music Contest “Città di Udine” as well as published in Italy. His choral work Deng Le You Yuan is selected for publication by Hong Kong Composers’ Guild. According to appreciations, piano work Moments has been performed in public thrice within half a year, and the abstract piece Birds’ Words from Liao Zhai has also been performed seven times already in different countries during recent years.
In 2017, Tam was commissioned to write two pieces Ballad and Wailing Ghosts from Liao Zhai, that both are separately nominated to and being the finalist of Best Serious Composition ,CASH Golden Sail Music Awards 2017 and 2018. In 2019, Tam’s choral work “Caige” was selected to record in CD by Hong Kong Composers’ Guild as well.
畢業後投入流行音樂製作至今,擔任作曲、編曲及唱片監製,並榮獲多個作曲獎項。近年譚氏更積極教學,並再度活躍於正統音樂界,曾與不少歐、亞、美專業樂手,包括瑞士當代音樂組合UMS ‘n JIP、Bang On A Can-All-Stars、管弦雅集、合唱俠、育文綜藝木絲樂團、雅謌合唱團、男高音Valentin Johannes Gloor、鋼琴家Simone Keller、岑健威及揚琴家賴應斌等專業樂團及樂手合作,作品更於意大利、瑞士、澳洲、法國及蒙古等地公演。近年的正統作品主要尋求有調性與無調性平衡共存的可能性,題材較多以中國文學及哲理為主。曾發表的作品包括《有時》、《中國詩詞三首》、《留別英華》、《死水》、《狂夫》、《未知生…》、《一個中國人的爵士幻象》、《第二交響曲——馬禮遜》(選段)、《聊齋》系列及《將進酒》等等。此外,弦樂四重奏《山水(一)》於意大利Citta' di Udine國際賽中晉入決賽,並被邀於當地出版,而合唱曲《登樂遊原》亦由香港作曲家聯會挑選出版。
Orchestral (Western)
Symphony II – Morrison第二交響曲 —馬禮遜 (2009/10) 50’
Symphony I 第一交響曲 (2002/3) 15’
Concerto Grosso II大協奏曲(二) (1992) 20'
Chamber (Western)
Jazzy Illusion of a Chinaman一個中國人的爵士幻象 (2010/11) 5’ for cl/b.cl, pn/keybd, e.gt, vc, db, drumset
If Life is Unknown…未知生… (2010) 8’ for fl, ob, cl,bn & hn
Shan Shui I & II 山水(一)及(二)(2008/9) 23’ for 2 vn, va & vc
Praise Overture 讚美序曲 (2006) 8’ for fl, 2 cl, b.cl, 2 vn, 2 vc & perc
Butterfly 蝴蝶 (2006) 8’ for fl, ob & cl
Suite of Time 時間組曲 (2001/2) 20' for fl, ob, cl, bn, hn, vn, va, vc, db, perc & pf
Combination 拼合 (2000) 15' for fl, cl, pf, vn & mezzo-soprano
Birds in Cage籠中鳥 (1991) 10' for 2 fl & pf
Study on Ensemble for Eight Players 八人練習曲 (1991) 4' for fl, cl, tb, 2 perc, pf, vn & db
Desire 慾 (1990) 7' for fl, bn, va, vc & pf
Chamber (Mixed)
Ballad情歌(2017) 6' for erhu, pipa, gt & vc
Instrumental Solo
Prelude II 前奏曲 (二) (2015) 5' for pf
A Madman’s Diary 狂人日記 (2011) 8’ for pf
Epiphyllum 曇花 (2009) 4’ for pf
Moments 有時 (2003) 9’ for pf
Prelude I 前奏曲 (一) (1990) 3' for pf
Peace and War 和平與戰爭 (1989) 5' for pf
Qiang Jin Jiu將進酒(2020) 5' for SATB & beatbox
Caige采葛(2019) 4' for SA & pn
Liao Zhai – Wailing Ghosts聯齋之鬼哭 (2018) 3' for vln, fl, pn, S & baritone
Psalm 138 Glory to Jehovah榮耀耶和華 (2014) 3' for mixed choir & pf
Psalm 98 Singing before the King Jehovah在大君王耶和華面前歡呼 (2014) 6' for mixed choir & pf
Thanksgiving to Grace of Lord感謝主恩眷 (2013) 4' for mixed choir & pf
Psalm 92 It’s so beautiful to praise Jehovah稱頌耶和華是多麼美的事 (2013) 6' for mixed choir & pf
Psalm 93 Jehovah is the King 詩篇93 耶和華作王 (2012) 6’ for mixed choir & pf
Psalm 100 The Earth Should Sing 詩篇100 全地當歡呼 (2012) 3’ for mixed choir & pf
Psalm66 Should Sing Aloud to Jehovah 詩篇66 應當向耶和華歡呼 (2011) 4' for mixed choir , pf, fl & cl
Psalm 97 Jehovah is the Highest 詩篇97 耶和華是全地至高者 (2011) 4’ for mixed choir & pf
Liao Zhai – Chinese Strange Tales聯齋 (2010/11)
I. Birds’ Words鳥語 (2010) 6’ for countertenor and recorders
II. Rapid Sword快刀 (2011) 3’ for countertenor, recorders and perc
III. Wailing Ghosts鬼哭 (2011) 7’ for countertenor, recorders and perc
Kuang Fu狂夫 (2009) 6' for SSAAATTBB & yang qin
Dead Water死水 (2006/7) 25’ for tenor and pf
Memoir of Ying Wa I & II 留別英華(一)及(二) (2005) 6’ for 3-part male choir & pf
Three Chinese Poems 中國詩詞三首 (2004) 9’ for mixed choir & pf
Music in the Heart 心中的音樂 (2000) 2' for voices of audience
Revelation 15:3b 啟示錄第十五章第三節乙 (1991) 3' for mixed choir & organ
Vocalise I - Just Sound 只是聲音 (1989) 4' for 2-part children choir & pf
Electro-Acoustic Music / Computer Music
Trio for Acoustic, MIDI and MSP 現場、數碼介面及MAX軟件MSP三重奏 (2003) 6’ for computer & MIDI keyboard
Bird Song (from Vivaldi to Messiaen) 鳥之歌(由韋發第至梅湘) (2003) 3’ for computer
Concerto Grosso I 大協奏曲 (一) (1990) 9' for recorded tape, 2 fl & db
Music for Theatre / Drama
The Suite of Dreams 夢想組曲 (1994) 15' theme song & incidental music
The Bar that Never Changes不變酒吧 (1992) 15' theme song & incidental music
Multimedia / Installation
My U-Life我的大學生活 (1992) 20' for 4 players & 1 actor
管弦樂 (西樂)
第二交響曲——馬禮遜 (2009/10) [~50'] for 2fl,2ob,2cl,2bn,2hn,tp,tb,perc,er-hu,zheng,male choir,vn,va,vc,db
第一交響曲 (2002/3) [~15'] for triple-wind,brass,3perc,celesta,str
大協奏曲二 (1992) [~20'] for fl,ob,cl,bn,tp,hn,tb,tuba,pf,perc,vn,va,vc,db
一個中國人的爵士幻象 (2010/11)[~5'] for cl/b.cl,pn/keybd,e.gt,vc,db,drumset
未知生… (2010) [~8'] for fl,ob,cl,bn,hn
山水II (2009) [~14'] for string quartet
山水I (2008) [~9'] for string quartet
讚美序曲 (2006) [~8'] for fl,cl,bcl,perc,2vn,vc
蝴蝶 (2005) [~8'] for fl,ob,cl
時間組曲 (2001/2) [~20'] for fl,ob,cl,bn,hn,vn,va,vc,db,perc,pf
拼合 (2000) [~15'] for fl,cl,pf,vn,mezzo-soprano
籠中鳥 (1991) [~10'] for 2fl,pf
八人練習曲 (1991) [~4'] for fl,cl,tb,2perc,pf,vn,db
慾 (1990) [~7'] for fl,bn,va,vc,pf
前奏曲二 (2015) [~4'] for pf for 2 players
狂人日記 (2011) [~8'] for pf
曇花 (2009) [~4'] for pf
有時 (2003) [~8'] for pf
前奏曲一 (1990) [~3'] for pf
和平與戰爭 (1989) [~5'] for pf
聲樂 / 合唱
榮耀耶和華 (2014) [~3'] for mixed choir & pf
在大君王耶和華面前歡呼 (2014) [~6'] for mixed choir & pf
感謝主恩眷 (2013) [~4'] for mixed choir & pf
稱頌耶和華是多麼美的事 (2013) [~6'] for mixed choir & pf
耶和華作王 (2012) [~6'] for mixed choir & pf
全地當歡呼 (2012) [~3'] for mixed choir & pf
應當向耶和華歡呼 (2011) [~4'] for mixed choir, pf, fl & cl
耶和華是全地至高者 (2011) [~4'] for mixed choir & pf
聯齋 (2010/11)
I. 鳥語 (countertenor & recorders) [~6']
II. 快刀 (countertenor, recorders & perc) [~3']
III. 鬼哭 (countertenor, recorders & perc) [~7']
狂夫 (2009) [~6'] for SSAAATTBB,yang qin
死水 (2006/7) [~25'] for tenor & pf
留別英華‧一及二 (2004) [~8'] for 3-part male choir & pf
中國詩詞三首 (2004) [~8'] for mixed choir & pf
心中的音樂 (2000) [~2'] for voice of audience
啟示錄15章3節下 (1991) [~3'] for mixed choir, organ
只是聲音 (1989) [~4'] for 2-part children choir, pf
給現場樂器、MIDI及MSP的三重奏 (2003) [~6'] for computer & MIDI keybd
鳥之歌(由韋發第至梅湘)(2002) [~2'] recorded sound track
大協奏曲一 (1990) [~9'] for recorded tape, 2fl & db
電影音樂 / 劇場音樂
夢想組曲 (1994) [~15'] theme song ~4', not including other musical parts
不變酒吧 (1992 ) [~15'] theme song ~4', not including other musical parts
音樂劇場 / 多媒體作品
我的大學生活 (1992)[~20'] for 4 players and 1 actor