LAI Boon-tsing Joseph
A church composer, retired recently. In his early years he was graduated from the Music Department of Hong Kong Chinese University, studied composition with Professor David Gwilt. After graduation he worked successively in The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Gloria Institute of Music, The C&MA Alliance Church, Alliance Bible Seminary, at present is working as a special music pastor in the Alliance Church, and also helps teaching worship and music ministry in the Gloria Institute of Sacred Music. His musical compositions mainly include hymns, anthems, liturgical music, organ and piano pieces. Publications include part of the above works, and also books concerning worship and music practice in the Christian church.
Prelude No. 1 (1998) 2' 15"
Canon (1998) 2' 30"
Four Pieces for Four Hands (1976) 3'
for pf duets
Nocturne (1976) 4'
for pf duet
Instrumental Solo
Processional (ASCRIBE GREATNESS) (1995) 2'
for organ
Canon (1992) 4'
for pf
Prelude (1991) 2'
for organ
Prelude No. 2 (1991) 2'
for pf
Anthem without Words (Postlude) (1990) 1' 40"
for organ
Lullaby (1976) 1'
for pf
A Children Piece (1976) 1'
for pf
Imitation (1976) 1'
for pf
Theme and Variation (1976) 2' 20"
for pf
Prelude No. 1 (1975) 2'
for pf
Hesitation (1974) 1' 20"
for pf
Jonah and the Big Fish (1989) 17'
for children chorus & pf
Be an Ambassador of Reconciliation (1992) 9'
for soprano solo, chorus, brass quintet, timpani & organ; commissioned by Diocesan Youth Committee, The Diocese of Hong Kong and Macao
Vocal / Choral
Where Love Is, There Is Hope(2016)〔4’ 40”〕
for Male and Female 2-part singing
The Sign of Baptism(2016)〔4’ 50”〕
for mixed chorus
Little Bethlehem(2015)〔4’ 30”〕
for children voice and mixed chorus
Rejoice in the Lord Alway(2015)〔4’ 20”〕
for mixed chorus
We Hear Him Call(2015)〔2’〕
for mixed chorus
Chung Chi College Anthem(2015)〔1’ 45”〕
for Soprano and piano
惜哉,以色列!惜哉,以色列!(1999) 5'
for SATB & organ
普天下當讚美主(始禮頌)(1997) 1'
for SATB with optional keyboard accompaniment
Gloria (1996) 5'
for SATB a cappella
遵行主的話 (1995) 4'
for unison chorus, tp & pf
願你們平安 (1995) 2'
for SATB & organ
Amen I (1994) 50"
for SATB & organ
Allelujah I (a canon for up to 15 parts) (1994) indef.
for mixed chorus & 3 keyboard instruments
Sanctus (a 3-part canon) (1994) 2'
for 3-part chorus & keyboard instruments
我主精兵奮進 (1994) 5'
for SATB & pf
十字架的默想(組曲)(1993) 15'
for SATB & pf
Gifts from my Heavenly Father (1992) 3' 15"
for children chorus & pf
Bring God's Peace to All the World (1988) 1'
for SATB a cappella
Praise for the Grace of God (1987) 4' 10"
for SATB & pf
Jehovah is in His Holy Temple (1981) 1' 30"
for SATB with organ accomp. ad lib.
For the Newly Weds (1981) 3' 10"
for SATB & pf
Rely on Jehovah (1981) 2' 30"
for SATB a cappella
Song of Praise to Jehovah (1980) 2' 45"
for SSA
The Lord has Risen (1980) 8'
for children chorus, pf & perc
Psalm 90 (1978) 5'
for soprano & fl
Hymn Arrangement
我們應當如此行 (GOD HAS SPOKEN) (2001) 5'
arr. for SAB, brass quartet & organ
Have Mercy, Lord (LAVENDER) (2001) 3'
arr. for unison chorus & keyboard instrument
The Lord is My Strength (1997) 3'
arr. for SATB a cappella
Thanksgiving Hymn (SIBYL) (1997) 3' 30"
arr. for SATB & pf
Lift High the Cross (CRUCIFER) (1996) 5'
arr. for SATB, brass quartet & organ
Psalm 100 (1995) 2' 25"
arr. for female chorus & handbell
God is Working His Purpose Out (BENSON) (1995) 4'
arr. for congregation, organ & brass quartet
For the Bread Which Thou Hast Given (CROSS OF JESUS) (1994) 3'
arr. for SAB & hn
The Call for Reapers (1994) 4'
arr. for SATB & organ
New Away in A Manger (1993/4) 3'
arr. for unison children voice & keyboard instrument
Ascribe Greatness to our God the Rock (ASCRIBE GREATNESS) (1990) 2'
arr. for unsion chorus & soprano descant
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (ROCKINGHAM) (1990) 1'
arr. for SSA a cappella
O Jesus, King Most Wonderful (ABRIDGE) (1988) 3'
arr. for SATB a cappella
Hail. Thou Once Despised Jesus (FAUXBOURDON) (1988) 4'
arr. for SATB & keyboard instrument
Tell Out, My Soul (WOODLANDS) (1987) 4'
arr. for SATB & organ
So Send I You to Teach my Word (LING MING) (1987) 3' 20"
arr. for SATB & organ
十架七言歌 (1985) 13'
I. Jesus in Thy Dying Woes (GOWER)
II. Jesus, Pitying the Sighs (HELFER MEINER ARMEN SEELE)
III. Jesus, Loving to the End (SEPTEM VERBA)
IV. Jesus, Whelmed in Fears Unknown (TON-MAN)
V. Jesus, in Thy Thirst and Pain (SWEDISH LITANY)
VI. Jesus, All our Ransom Paid (HERVEY)
VII. Jesus, All Thy Labour Vast (AGNES)
arr. for SATB & pf
Sweet Will of God (1984) 2' 30"
arr. for SSA & pf
Read, Mark, Learn (CAUSA DIVINA) (1983) 2' 30"
arr. for SATB & keyboard instrument
O Could I Speak the Matchless Worth (ARIEL) (1980) 3'
arr. for SATB & pf
The King of Love my Shepherd is (DOMINUS REGIT ME) (1980) 4'
arr. for SATB & organ
How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds (KILMARNOCK) (1980) 2'
arr. for SATB
Till You Know Jesus (1979) 3'
arr. for SAB & pf
For the Music of Creation (CREATOR COMPOSER) (2001)
Allaince Bible Seminary Centennial Song (1999)
Lord of History, Light of the World (1996)
今到主殿歌 (1995)
美麗的神 (1995)
New Away in a Manger (1993)
I Reached the Water of Morah (1992)
My Lord, I Did Not Choose You (1992)
Thanksgiving Hymn (SIBYL) (1991)
Open my Eyes, That I may See (VISION) (1984)
Draw Me Nearer (CHARMAINE) (1983)
'Tis the Blessed Hour of Prayer (MEDITATION) (1983)
God of Love and Truth and Beauty (CHUN SENG) (1982)
Look Ye, Saints (BRADEN) (1982)
Jerusalem the Golden (CHUNG CHI) (1982)
Hymn Harmonization
O God our Help in Ages Past (ST. ANNE) (2001)
harmonization to stanza 5
In the Bleak Midwinter (GRANHAM) (1999)
harmonization to stanza 2
O Jesus, I Have Promised (WATERMOUTH) (1997)
harmonization to stanza 2
All Praise to Thee (ENGELBERG) (1996)
harmonization to stanza 3, arr. for brass quartet
Declare His Glory (VIOLA) (1993)
harmonization to stazas 4 & 5, arr. for tp, hn, tb, timpani & organ
Ascribe Greatness to our God the Rock (ASCRIBE GREATNESS) (1993)
harmonization to stanza 2, arr. for tp, hn, tb, timpani & organ
In Love for Me (IN LOVE FOR ME) (1991)
I Will Lift my Eyes to the Hills(PSALM 121) (1991)
Hymn Descant
How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds (KILMARNOCK) (1998)
soprano descant to stanza 6
Come Thou Holy Spirit Come (VENI SANCTE SPIRITUS) (1998)
soprano descant to stanza 5
The Church's One Foundation (AURELIA) (1993)
soprano descant to stanza 4
Hail, Thou Once Despised Jesus (FAUXBOURDON) (1993)
soprano descant to stanza 3
O Jesus, King Most Wonderful (KILMARNOCK) (1993)
soprano descant to stanzas 4/5
Where Cross the Crowded Ways of Life (GARDINER) (1992)
soprano descant to stanza 6
At the Name of Jesus (CAMBERWELL) (1992)
fl/cl descant to stanza 5
Name of All Majesty (MAJESTAS) (1992)
cl/tp descant to stanzas 3 & 4
Mangificat (ASCRIBE GREATNESS) (1992)
soprano descant
Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God (1992)
fl/cl descant
Sun of my Soul, Thou Saviour Dear (HURSLEY) (1992)
fl descant to stanza 4
Dear Lord and Father of Mankind (REPTON) (1992)
tp descant to stanza 6
Majesty (MAJESTY) (1992)
tp descant
Lead on, O King Eternal (LANCASHIRE) (1991)
tp descant to stanza 3
A Mighty Fortress is our God (EIN' FESTE BURG) (1990)
soprano descant to stanza 4 in D, with interlude
「聖詩變僵詩 - 淺談教會音樂事工與神學的關係」《聖樂通訊》第37期,秋季,2001年
「教會音樂 - 表彰神的真理」《聖樂通訊》第36期,春季,2001年
「祈禱 - 常被忽略的崇拜事奉」《聖樂通訊》第34期,秋季,2000年
「驚踏天門 - 集體崇拜與會眾(二)」《聖樂通訊》第26期,春季,1998年
「驚踏天門 - 集體崇拜與會眾(一)」《聖樂通訊》第25期,冬季,1998年
Essays on Sacred Music and Worship《脫俗尋真 - 聖樂與崇拜評論集》香港:建道神學院,1998年。ISBN:962-7997-25-0
The Choral Works of Joseph Lai《黎本正合唱曲選》香港:建道神學院,1994。ISBN: 962-244-409-1
Hymn harmonization nos. 266 & 344《恩頌聖歌》
Hymns nos. 7, 31, 64, 69, 89, 106 &114《華人聖頌》
Hymns nos. 39, 140, 159, 366, 432, 479 & 490《生命聖詩》
I Reached The Water Of Morah 瑪拉苦水《萬崇仁牧師紀念特刊》
Allaince Bible Seminary Centennial Song 建道神學院百週年院慶歌《建道神學院百週年紀念特刊》
Psalm 90《香港聲樂作品集》(八),羅炳良編,48-55頁。香港:香港基督教文藝出版社,1999年。