HO Tze-yeung#
Tze Yeung Ho (b. 1992) is a Norwegian-Canadian composer. He is the current chairman of the Norwegian chapter of the UNM (Ung Nordisk Musikk) festival, a member of the selection committee at the nyMusikks komponistgruppe and a board member for the Periferien - nyMusikk Oslo concert series. Tze Yeung's music explores territories of speech, translation in language, dramaturgy and poetics. Tze Yeung holds a master's degree from the Norwegian Academy of Music and is currently completing his PhD degree in composition at the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre. He has also been a visiting student in the phonetics department at the University of Helsinki and has held lectures and talks at the Estonian Arts Academy, SOUND 59 festival in Perm, Russia and the highSCORE festival in Italy.
Tze Yeung represented Norway in the UNM (Ung Nordisk Musikk) festivals of 2015 and 2018 held in Helsinki and Bergen respectively. In the 2015 edition, his saxophone concerto 'ingest thrice, as prescribed;' received its premiere by the Avanti! Chamber Orchestra (FI).
In 2018, his chamber operetta in collaboration with writer Linda Gabrielsen, jeg gir faen i magnoliaen? was performed in Bergen ("an exercise in extremes" - James Black in Seismograf, DK). He is the first prize recipient of Evivakören's and Exaudio's choral composition competition (FI) and Land's End Ensemble's 17th annual composition competition (CA).
His other collaboration with Gabrielsen, hvorfor pusen? received the second prize of Shanghai New Music Week's 1st Chamber Opera Composition Competition. Some other highlighted activities include his participation as one of the seven selected composers of the KUPP 2.0 program, his participation as a resident artist in the PRAKSIS interdisciplinary arts program developed in Oslo, lecturing at Sound 59 festival in Russia, his collaboration with Heidi Dahlsveen in the project 23.27 at the Fortellerfestival 2017 (Norwegian Storytelling Festival), the development of Gjennom Garden (a theatre work for Sølvguttene boys' choir and percussionist Eirik Raude, with Norwegian dramaturge Marius Kolbenstvedt) and his upcoming production of the opera project minn(i)e with the Estonian studio Opera Veto and Finnish stage director Anselmi Hirvonen.
Tze Yeung has worked with an array of performers and artists in different facets, including the NyNorsk messingkvintett (NO), NeoQuartet (PL), Exaudio and Evivakören (FI), [instead] ensemble (RU), Fie Schouten (NL), Elisabeth Hetherington (NL/CA), Matti Pulkki (FI), Caroline Hausen (DE), Avanti! Chamber Orchestra (FI), MolOt Ensemble (RU), Ligeti Quartet (UK), Ukho Ensemble (UA), Orkest de ereprijs (NL), Rolston Quartet (CA), Heidi Dahlsveen (NO), Thirty Fingers Trio (LT), Jürg Henneberger (CH), Honghong Zheng (NO/CN), Decho Ensemble (US), Michael Bridge (CA) and so forth. His music has also been featured at the ISCM World Music Days Festival/Estonian Music Days 2019 in Tallinn.
他的作品曾在聲流作曲家工作坊 Soundstreams Composers' Workshop(加拿大)、Druskomanija 音樂節 (立陶宛)、聖彼得堡 MolOt大師班(俄羅斯)、佩爾梅 Sound 59 音樂節 (俄羅斯)、 基輔Ukho小交響樂團(烏克蘭)、 Suvisoitto音樂節 (芬蘭)、Gaudeamus音樂周 (荷蘭)、ISCM 世界當代音樂節(愛沙尼亞)和挪威各地音樂節演出,何氏的主要創作和合作夥伴包括 芬蘭 Avanti! 室樂樂團 、挪威作家 Linda Gabrielsen 、愛沙尼亞作家 Maarja Kangro、奧斯陸 Nynorsk 銅管樂五重奏 、波蘭弦樂四重奏NeoQuartet、 加拿大荷蘭女高音 Elisabeth Hetherington 、 多倫多 Rolston 弦樂四重奏和其他。何氏於2020年獲得芬蘭 Evivakören 和 Exaudio 合唱團作曲比賽的第一名。他2019年上海當代音樂周的室內歌劇作曲比賽以作品 “hvorfor pusen?" 獲得二獎。他亦於 2017 年在加拿大卡加利獲得 Land's End Ensemble 第十七屆作曲比賽的第一名。他曾被邀請參與挪威作曲家聯會和 Music Norway 合作的年輕作曲家培訓計畫 KUPP 2.0。
何氏現任 UNM (Ung nordisk musikk) 北歐青年音樂節挪威部會長,奧斯陸 Konsertserien Periferien — nyMusikk Oslo 樂社委員,nyMusikks komponistgruppe的選委會員兼 +47 樂團創辦人,他現居東北歐,在奧斯陸、塔林和赫爾辛機三地最為活躍。何氏現就讀博士和藝術研究於愛沙尼亞國立音樂學院與赫爾辛基大學。他亦曾被邀請到愛沙尼亞國立藝術學院,俄羅斯佩爾梅文化中心,俄羅斯聖彼得堡國家舞蹈學院,瑞典斯德哥爾摩藝術大學藝術研究會議 Alliances and Commonalities,芬蘭赫爾辛基西貝流士學院倉辦的北歐藝術研究會議和義大利帕維亞 highSCORE 音樂節為講師。
Stabat Mater (50') - based on Pergolesi's original and in collaboration with Maja Linderoth, for soprano, countertenor, brass quintet and electronics (Premiere August 2021: Oslo, Norway, written for Nynorsk Messingkvintett Marie van Luijk and Sean Bell)
jos se haihtuisi savuna (9') - for string orchestra
vihik (i) (15') - for electric string quartet (Premiere October 2021: Gdansk, Poland, written for NeoQuartet)
Intermezzi (20') - for six voices (Premiere 2022: Oslo, Norway, written for Nordic Voices)
vihik (j) (9') - for brass quintet (Premiere August 2021: Leksand, Sweden)
etyde på et estisk ord (3') - for SATB choir
vihik (f) (7'30") - for soprano and harpsichord (Premiered on 2nd September, 2020: Tallinn, Estonia)
det blåser en kald vind (8'30") - for saxophone dectet with texts by Linda Gabrielsen
minn(i)e - chamber opera for 5 singers, 5 accordions and improv. guitarist with texts by Linda Gabrielsen, Maarja Kangro and Chapman Chen
vihik (h) (7') - for mezzo-soprano, cello and 3 guests
shulammite (g) (10') - for solo violin (Premiered April 18, 2021: St. Petersburg, Russia)
vihik (c) (10') - for mezzo-soprano voice and orchestra (Premiered on May 15, 2019: Metodisti kirik, Tallinn, Estonia by Nele Erastus and the EAMT symphony orchestra)
hvorfor pusen? (20') - operetta for 3 voices and chamber ensemble with a libretto by Linda Gabrielsen (Premiered on September 18, 2019: Shanghai Conservatory of Music, China under Shanghai New Music Week)
vihik (d) (8'30) - trilingual work for SA choir
ukse taha (9') - for mixed ensemble (Premiered on 25th January 2020, Boswil and Basel, Switzerland)
vihik (e) (7'30) - for reed quintet, subtitled "fem spørsmål stilles om Ekeberg"
natt-öö-夜 (36') - for soprano, harp and accordion (Premiered on May 31st, 2018: Ajaloomuuseum, Tallinn, Estonia by Elisabeth Hetherington, Liis Viira and Matti Pulkki)
støy og støv (3') - for bass recorder, violin, bass viol, harpsichord and white noise (Premiered on June 29, 2018: Porvoo, Finland with members of the Avanti! Chamber Orchestra)
Gjennom garden: memoratorium for manne- og guttestemmer (45') - (Premiere in Autumn 2021, commissioned by and co-created with Marius Kolbenstvedt, performed by Frank Havrøy, Eirik Raude and Sølvguttene)
messe norvégien profane (16') - for brass quintet and countertenor (Premiere June 9th, 2019 by Nynorsk messingkvintett and Sean Bell at Jakob kirke, Oslo, Norway)
vihik (a) (5') - for string quartet (Premiered on 1st of February, 2019: Spadina Theatre, Toronto, Canada by the Rolston String Quartet)
isjoriske forsteder (35') - for soprano and electronics or chamber ensemble (Premiere May 2nd, 2019 at Rahvusraamatukogu, Tallinn, Estonia by Elisabeth Hetherington and Hans-Gunter Lock)
vihik (b) / shulammite (e) (10') - for flute, violin, cello and piano (Premiere March 29th, 2019 in Nynorskens hus, Oslo and April 7th, 2019 in St. Petersburg by MolOt ensemble)
Codex Osloënsis (14') - for violin, cello, audience volunteer and actor (Premiere on March 31st, 2019 in St. Petersburg by [instead] ensemble and friends)
kj/ærlige ord (3') - for 3 voices and ensemble (Premiered by Orkest de ereprijs March 2nd, 2019 at Gigant, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands)
23.27 (70') - for storyteller and accordion (Premiered on March 23rd, 2017 and repeated performance on March 26th, 2017: Sentralen, Oslo, Norway at the Norwegian Storytelling Festival by Heidi Dahlsveen and Andreas Angell)
Utreise (12') - for storyteller and accordion (Premiered on March 24th, 2017: Jakob kirke, Oslo, Norway by Oda Aunan and Andreas Angell)
shulammite (c) (11') - for violin, cello and piano (Commissioned by Land's End Trio, Alberta, Canada, premiered in February 2019 at Rosza Centre, Calgary, Canada)
[jeg gir faen i magnoliaen?!] (18') - opera scene with text by Linda Gabrielsen, for soprano, baritone, 2 accordions, cello and lights (Premiere on September 16th, 2017: Oslo National Art Academy, as a part of the Ultima Festival)
vev.myriade (12') - for violin, hardingfele and ensemble (written for Ensemble +47, premiere September 2018)
utrolig varm te (4'30") - for soprano and accordion
shulammite (d) (8') - for violin, cello and piano (written for MolOt Ensemble in St. Petersburg, Russia, premiered on November 26th, 2017: Repin Institute for the Arts, St. Petersburg, Russia; second performance on April 11th at the Philharmonic Hall of Novosibirsk)
tusenfryd som et grøntlys (15') - for accordion (written for Matti Pulkki, premiered on January 11, 2018 at Musiikitalo in Helsinki, Finland)
ring dem som (sk)river postkort og si at blekket har tørket (10') - for solo cor anglais, solo violin and mixed ensemble (written for Ukho Ensemble in Kiev, Ukraine, premiered in Kiev, March 2018 under the baton of Luigi Gaggero)
hør på.../聽... (ca. 12') - for guzheng (Premiered on May 31st, 2017: Deichmanske bibliotek (Schous plass), Oslo, Norway by Honghong Zheng)
Formal Procedures (10'01") - for two alto saxophones (Premiere due on August 13, 2016: Oslo, Norway by Decho Ensemble (US))
Tune Jejune (7'30") - for symphony orchestra (Rehearsed on March 21 and April 22, 2016: Olavshallen, Trondheim, Norway)
they combed their hair all the same even after Babel fell (et al.) (15') - for cor anglais, bass clarinet, horn and 12 string instruments
leier.租客.tenant (alt. leier.johak.tenant) (40') - musical theatre for 3 voices, flute, cor anglais, bass clarinet, horn, 2 violas, cello, bass and harp (Partially premiered on May 31st, 2017: Deichmanske bibliotek (Schous plass), Oslo, Norway)
_____._____._____. (10') - for soprano, alto flute, cor anglais, horn and harp (* the title will be revealed after the premiere)
shulammite (a) (5'30") - for piano trio (Premiered on May 23, 2016: Vilnius, Lithuania by Thirty Fingers Ensemble; Second Performance on June 4, 2016: Gallery 345, Toronto, Canada; Third Performance on March 28, 2017 by Land's End Ensemble for its 17th annual composition competition: Calgary, Canada).
å ha et rom mellom mine negler (8') - for accordion and string trio (Premiered on July 30, 2016: Palendriai, Lithuania)
fold min ryggrad pent om jeg dukker i betong (8'30") - for 2 violas, 2 harps and prepared piano (Premiered on October 26, 2016: Oslo, Norway, Levinsalen)
utrolig varmt vann (4') - for solo accordion (Premiered on July 30, 2016:Palendriai, Lithuania)
what a wake is, that awake was (16'30") - for symphony orchestra
shulammite (b) (6') - for viola, cello and piano (Premiered on March 22, 2017: Jakob kirke, Oslo, Norway)
så når han kommer (14')- for countertenor, brass quintet and tape (Premiered on June 11th, 2017: Oslo, Norway and again in Bergen, Norway in September 2017; commissioned by Nynorsk messingkvintett and Sean Bell)
Klaverkvintett (11'30") - for piano quintet (Premiered on May 18, 2015, Levinsalen, Oslo, Norway; Second Performance on June 4, 2016, Gallery 345, Toronto, Canada)
basic.music (9') - for flute, alto saxophone, and accordion
å trøste (10') - for one player on multiple recorders (Premiered on December 12, 2015, Kunstnernes hus, Oslo, Norway)
Xerxine, Wendelle and Myrtl (15')- an operetta (Text: Chris Gilmore) (Premiered on March 21, 2014 at Array Space, Toronto, Canada)
Canadian Love Songs (35') - for baritone voice solo, cor anglais, double bass, harpsichord and piano
Empress Lu and Madame Qi (5'30") - for erhu, zheng and piano (Premiered on March 19, 2014; University of Toronto)
Sepsis (2'30") - for piccolo, cor anglais, bass clarinet and string trio
one day, i left behind the skeletons within these walls (9') - for erhu, two spoken voices and piano (Co-Premiered on November 12, 2014 at Hart House, Toronto, Canada and Levinsalen, Oslo, Norway)
ingest thrice, as prescribed: (15') - concerto for alto saxophone and chamber orchestra (Premiered on September 5, 2015: Helsinki Conservatory, Helsinki, Finland)
Portraits of a Fingernail (9') - for two percussionists and harp (Premiered on January 22, 2015 at Kulturhuset, Oslo, Norway)