So Ho-chi’s “Confined Matters”【SOUND-IMAGination: Hong Kong Landscape 聲影集:香港景觀】 //Feature 特寫// So Ho-chi’s “Confined Matters” I. Q&A 1) How did the image/video...
Livia Lin’s “the tree says…”【SOUND-IMAGination: Hong Kong Landscape 聲影集:香港景觀】 //Feature 特寫// Livia Lin’s “the tree says…” I. Q&A 1) How did the image/video...
Tam Ka-shu’s “Little Hidden Momentum”【SOUND-IMAGination: Hong Kong Landscape 聲影集:香港景觀】 //Feature 特寫// Tam Ka-shu’s “Little Hidden Momentum” I. Q&A 1) Briefly introduce...
Shao Litang’s “Seeking”【SOUND-IMAGination: Hong Kong Landscape 聲影集:香港景觀】 //Feature 特寫// Shao Litang’s “Seeking” I. Q&A 1. How did the image/video inspire...
Yau May-kay’s “The Road before me”【SOUND-IMAGination: Hong Kong Landscape 聲影集:香港景觀】 //Feature 特寫// Yau May-kay’s “The Road before me” I. Q&A 1) Briefly introduce your...
Lun Wai-kit’s “Modernization”【SOUND-IMAGination: Hong Kong Landscape 聲影集:香港景觀】 //Feature 特寫// Lun Wai-kit’s “Modernization” I. Q&A 1) Briefly introduce your...
葉浩堃《縫》【SOUND-IMAGination: Hong Kong Landscape 聲影集:香港景觀】 //Feature 特寫// 葉浩堃《縫》 I. Q&A 1) 樂曲如何與影像掛勾和配合? 就如錄像一樣,在開始的部份看見船慢慢的經過,然後一...
Kwok Tsun-huen’s "The Barbar"【SOUND-IMAGination: Hong Kong Landscape 聲影集:香港景觀】 //Feature 特寫// Kwok Tsun-huen’s "The Barber" I. Q&A 1) Briefly introduce your...
許翔威《煙花瞥紅塵》【聲影集: 映照香港 SOUND-IMAGination: Hong Kong Reflections】 //特寫 Feature// 許翔威《煙花瞥紅塵》 I. Q&A 1) 樂曲的創作靈感? 鬧市不夜城的繁忙節奏、煙花的複合形態及其上昇與散落的線條、呆板建築折射短暫的光...
屈雅汶《沉默的哀號》聲影集:映照香港 SOUND-IMAGination: Hong Kong Reflections】 //特寫 Feature// 屈雅汶《沉默的哀號》 I. Q&A 1) 請簡單介紹在「聲影集:映照香港」中你的新作。...