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  • 國際現代音樂協會世界音樂日|香港作曲家聯會

    國際現代音樂協會世界音樂日 國際現代音樂協會(ISCM)是擁有50多個會員國的國際網絡,旨在推廣及傳播當代音樂。它是首個設立的國際平台以新音樂的發展、傳播及交流為任。每年度的國際現代音樂協會世界音樂日演出來自各個會員國的新音樂作品,展示這個時代音樂創作的多樣性。 香港作曲家聯會代表香港作為國際現代音樂協會的會員。 ​ 請瀏覽國際現代音樂協會網站 以獲取更多資訊。 被揀選參與音樂日的香港作曲家代表作品: ​ 2022 奧克蘭及基督城.新西蘭 曾葉發-《遠光》 ​ 2019 塔林及塔爾圖.愛沙尼亞 陳展霆-"Double Exposure" So Ho-chi-"Radio Conversation" ​ 2018 北京.中國 葉浩堃-《時間馬達》 葉樹堅-《仙景圖》 ​ 2017 溫哥華.加拿大 陸尉俊-《舞火龍》 ​ 2016 統營市.南韓 ​ 陳展霆-"tempora mutantur" ​ 2015 盧布爾雅那.斯洛文尼亞 陳啟揚-《蜃景》 洪銘健-"Vibrant City" ​ 2014 弗羅茨瓦夫.波蘭 陳浩貽-《題都城南莊》 ​ 2013 科希策,布拉迪斯拉發(斯洛伐克).維也納(奧地利 ​ 李昌-《即興曲II》 ​ 2012 安特衛普.比利時 黃俊諱 - 《戰‧不斷》 陳啟揚 - 《雨霖鈴曲》 ​ 2011 薩格勒布.克羅地亞 ​ 馮迪倫 - 《清絃三弄》 梁智軒 - 《極‧擊》 ​ 2010 悉尼.澳洲 彭振町 - 《在不一樣的空間》 葉浩堃 - 《柬蟲京鳴》 楊嘉輝 - 《建設有中國特式的社會主義》 ​ 2009 哥德堡.瑞典 ​ 黃學揚 - 《焰》 梁基爵 - "Dot and Block" 張珮珊 - 《龍》 張珮珊 - 《大排檔》 ​ 2007 香港,中國 ​ 陳慶恩 - " There's Something in the Wind" 陳錦標 - 《電車走過的日子》 陳明志 - 《精.氣.神》 陳偉光 - 《中國歌曲兩首》 張珮珊 - 《水姿幻象》 葉劍豪- "Momento" 林樂培 - 《謝灶君》 林鈞暉 - 《城市本能》 劉詠浲 - 《學生字》 羅永暉 - 《千章掃》 麥偉鑄 - 《緣在半途間》 莫健兒 - 《彩幻千層》 鄧樂姸 - 《 溶》 鄧文藝 - 《安魂曲—紀念教宗若望保祿二世》 曾葉發 - 《心。動》 Wu Cheuk-nam - "Ayala" ​ 2006 斯圖加特,德國 陳永華 - 《敦煌飛天》 ​ 2005 薩格勒布,克羅地亞 ​ 葉樹堅 - 《五靈角》 ​ 2004 瑞士 ​ 鄧文藝 - 《山疊疊,水重重》

  • 音樂新文化 2017:合唱及聲樂作品音樂會|香港作曲家聯會

    音樂新文化 2017:合唱及聲樂作品音樂會 演出日期和時間:2017年10月13日(星期五)晚上8點 ​演出場地:香港大會堂劇院 ​ 香港兒童合唱團節目 指揮:林俊、孫明慧 ​ 許翔威│ 竹里館 (2014)(3’40”) 梁智軒│ 離思 (2016)(4’) 黃子衡│ 將進酒 (2016)(4’30”) 王廣宇│ 陳子昂詩兩首 (2017)(5’30”) 阮慧玲│ 不寐倦長更 (2016)(7’10”) 李嘉怡│ 等‧等‧等 (2017)(5’40”)* 陳詩諾│ 迷信的幽靈 (2017)(5’)* ​ ​聲樂作品: 林聲翕│ 蘇軾迴文詞四首 (1963-65)(12’) 陳啟揚│ 無題:相見時難別亦難 (2014)(4’30”) 劉詠浲│ 當我想到你的時候 (2017)(6’)* 葉浩堃│ 易安居士 (2011)(7’) 鄭汝森│ 悲‧歌 (2002初稿,2017年修訂)(8’) 李家泰│ 鄉愁四韻 (2013)(5’) 譚展輝│ 聊齋之鬼哭 (2017)(6’)*

  • 音樂新一代 2022|香港作曲家聯會

    ​ 音樂新一代 2022 Winner 冠軍 - Kong Bethia 江恩詠 Awarded by Dr. Mui Kwong-chiu 由梅廣釗博士負責頒發獎項 1st Runner-up 亞軍 - To Kiu-fung 杜翹豐 Awarded by Dr. Tung Lai-shing 由董麗誠博士負責頒發獎項 Finalist 入圍作曲家 - Tong Cheuk-yan 湯卓茵 Finalist certificate presented by Dr. Lee Kar-tai Phoebus 由李家泰博士負責頒發入圍證書 Winner 冠軍 - Kong Bethia 江恩詠 Awarded by Dr. Mui Kwong-chiu 由梅廣釗博士負責頒發獎項 1/8 ​入圍及得獎者名單 Composer Title Result 作曲家 作品名稱 成績 Au Chi-hang Exile 歐志恒 流放 Kong Bethia Mayfly Winner 江恩詠 蜉蝣 Lau Yik-long Two Miniatures on Night-time Emotions 劉奕朗 記夜間情緒的兩首小品 Li Cheuk-shing The Voices in my Head II 李焯誠 在我腦海的聲音 II Man Hok-yee 2 Years and 3 months 文學怡 兩年零三個月 Pong Pak-kan MLR - train 2nd Runner-up 龐百勤 冬・鐵 To Kiu-fung Tuen Mun Ferry Pier 1st Runner-up 杜翹豐 屯門碼頭 Tong Cheuk-yan Mercury Retrograde 湯卓茵 水星逆行 ​音樂會 Guest Performer: Dawning Quartet 表演嘉賓:當聆四重奏 Piano: Karen Sung 鋼琴:宋可樟 Violin: Aimee Sung 小提琴:宋艾樟 Cello: Juanita Wong 大提琴:王翹𦑊 Viola: Cass Ho 中提琴:何珈樺 Best Compositions Selection Panel Member: Dr. Mui Kwong-chiu 最佳作品評選委員會成員:梅廣釗博士 Emcee of the night: Ms. Bonnie Yung & Mr. Wan Chun-yin 大會司儀:翁蒨懃小姐與溫俊賢先生 New Generation 2020 Winner: Yu Tsz-long 音樂新一代 2020 冠軍:余梓朗 New Generation 2021 Winner: So Chuen-on 音樂新一代 2021 冠軍:蘇傳安 演出日期和時間:2022年8月19號(星期五) 演出場地:柴灣238柴灣道青年廣場Y劇場 演出嘉賓:Dawning Quartet ​ 音樂會由香港電台第四台( )錄音,並將於2022年9月9日(星期五)晚上8時在「四台音樂廳」播出,隨後在9月14日(星期三)下午2時重播。 ​ 下載音樂會場刊

  • 香港當代音樂節 2018:樂在香港|香港作曲家聯會

    香港當代音樂節 2018:樂在香港 Concert Highlights 音樂會精華 The Hong Kong Children's Choir and Veloz Harmonica Quartet 19.10.2018 City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong with Erhu & Pipa Soloists 20.10.2018 ​ HK Delights THIS IS A GREAT SHOW FOR INNOVATIVE MUSICAL CREATIONS The Hong Kong Contemporary Music Festival (HKCMF) will be a biannual event. This year HKCMF: Hong Kong Delights presents a rich and diverse program including the incorporation of music and dance from City Contemporary Dance Company. Ticketing > 場刊 Programme Note 26.9.2018 ​ 場刊 Programme Note 3.10.2018 場刊 Programme Note 10.10.2018 ​ 場刊 Programme Note 17.10.2018 ​ The Hong Kong Children's Choir and Veloz Harmonica Quartet 19.10.2018 (Fri) at 8p.m. Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall Performers and Choir Conductors Programme Victor Chan Chan Ka- hei Chan Wing-wah Fong Lok-chi Lee Wan-ki Wendy Chen Ning-chi Galison Lau Mui Kwong- chiu Joshua Chan Leung Chung-yin Paul Desmond Cradle Song (2018) Xi Sai Shan (2018) The Lord’s Prayer (2018) Prayer of St. Francis (2018) Ashes of Life (2014) Stars from afar (1997)​ In and Out (2018) Medley of Rocky Eyes & Happy Carnival (2014) Summer Snowfield (2018) Nathan Road Tango (2018) Take Five (1959/2017) Composers 陳家曦 Chan Ka-hei 陳偉光 Victor Chan 陳永華 Chan Wing-wah 陳能濟 Chen Ning-chi 方樂知 Fong Lok-chi 李允琪 Lee Wan-ki Wendy 陳錦標 Joshua Chan 劉詠浲 Galison Lau 梁頌然 Leung Chung-yin 梅廣釗 Mui Kwong-chiu City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong with Erhu & Pipa Soloists 20.10.2018 (Sat) at 8p.m. Theatre, Hong Kong City Hall Programme Anthony Cheng Clarence Mak Chan Chin-ting Hui Cheung-wai Chris Hung Ng Chun-hoi Lee Kar- tai Phoebus Richard Tsang Symphonic Poem No. 2: Spirit (2018) Echoes with Dance (2011/2018) Dust Devil (2018) Autumn Script (2018) Unto the Twilight Zone II (2016/2018) Home Again (1993/2018) Withered Lotuses and Drooping Willows Speak of Our Times (2018) Of Random and Design (2012/2018) Performers and Conductors Composers 陳展霆 Chan Chin-ting 鄭汝森 Anthony Cheng 許翔威 Hui Cheung-wai 洪銘健 Chris Hung 李家泰 Lee Kar-tai Phoebus 麥偉鑄 Clarence Mak 吳俊凱 Ng Chun-hoi 曾葉發 Richard Tsang

  • ​法國香港交流音樂會 2019|香港作曲家聯會

    ​法國香港交流音樂會 2019 《法國香港交流音樂會》是香港作曲家聯會和法國的Ensemble Télémaque樂團一個寶貴的香港法國兩地音樂交流機會和平台。去年我們香港兩位作曲家聯會的作曲家陳仰平和李家泰獲邀遠赴法國的馬賽和當地的法國演奏家合作,成功首演了他們兩首委約作品。這次我們很榮幸邀請樂團的音樂總監Raoul Lay來到香港親自指揮一套曲目,包括在馬賽首演的兩首香港作品和其他法國和香港作曲家的作品。 ​ ​ 演出日期和時間: 2019年9月27日(星期五)晚上8點 演出場地: 上環文娛中心劇院 ​ 音樂會監製: 劉詠浲/李家泰 指揮: Raoul Lay ​ 演奏者: ​ 彭康泰(笙) 許榮鏗(長笛、中音長笛) 吳麗文(單簧管、低音單簧管) 張文蕊(小提琴) 楊帆(中提琴) 潘穎芝(大提琴) 嚴翠珠(鋼琴) 王偉文(敲擊) ​ 節目: ​ Yann Robin - Phigures II (2006)(6')​​​ 李家泰 - 銀燭秋光冷畫屏 (2018)(12')* 陳啟揚 - 月光寒 (2013/18)(8') 陸尉俊 - 揚州十日 (2016)(7') 陳仰平 - 花意 (2018)(7')* Régis Campo - Pop-art (2002)(11'30'') ​ *作品由Ensemble Télémaque委約,並於2018年在法國馬賽首演。

  • 香港作曲家聯會-音樂作品傳承和保育計劃|香港作曲家聯會

    香港作曲家聯會-音樂作品傳承和保育計劃 《香港作曲家聯會-音樂作品傳承與保育計劃》旨在保育、傳承及推廣一系列由香港作曲家所創作的優秀音樂作品,並由本會會員及一眾音樂演出團體所推薦。以下為各單位所推薦的作品名單。 ​參與單位 Hong Kong Composers' Guild 香港作曲家聯會 City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong 香港城市室樂團 Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra 香港中樂團 The Hong Kong Children's Choir 香港兒童合唱團 Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble 竹韻小集 Hong Kong Wind Kamerata 管樂雅集

  • Instrumental Writing Lecture Demonstration 2017 | Hong Kong Composers' Guild

    器樂創作示範講座 2017 主辦:香港作曲家聯會 協辦:教育局 贊助 : 香港作曲家及作詞家協會 場地贊助:康樂及文化事務署 日期:4/12/2017(星期一) 時間:10:00am-1:00pm & 2:30-5:30pm 場地:上環文娛中心劇院 ​ 一)鋼琴寫作風格演變解說 主持:陳錦標博士(香港著名作曲家、香港大學音樂系副教授、香港作曲家聯會前任主席) 鋼琴:張郁苓 小提琴:張文蕊 ​ 鋼琴寫作風格演變解說,是由香港作曲家聯會主辦、香港教育局協辦,並獲香港作曲家及作詞家協會與康樂及文化事務署贊助的西方鋼琴寫作風格演變的解說分享。 是次分享由18世紀古典風格的樂曲開始,涵蓋浪漫時期、印象派,以及現代風格的樂曲,解說鋼琴寫作的演變。講者將剖析不同時期的鋼琴獨奏、鋼琴小提琴二重奏的創作特色,包括和聲,對位,調性,節奏,民族性等不同範疇,並通過即場演奏樂曲選段,和示範演奏技巧,以深入淺出的對話解說該樂種的寫作技巧和欣賞重點。(設中場休息) ​ 二)中樂小合奏寫作風格演變分享 主持:陳明志博士(香港著名作曲家、星海音樂學院教授、香港中樂團前任駐團作曲家及助理指揮) 中樂演奏家的解說合作演出: 笛子:沈健榆;二胡:陳壁沁;琵琶:林灒桐;笙:彭康泰;古箏:邱丹青 ​ 中樂小合奏可以成就一首非常有品味的中樂小品,也可以發展成一首輝煌大曲。中樂小合奏寫作解說,是由香港作曲家聯會主辦、香港教育局協辦,並獲香港作曲家及作詞家協會與康樂及文化事務署贊助的解說和分享。 分享會以互動形式,深入淺出地剖析傳統至現代的中樂創作。演奏家將演奏下列五件樂器的獨奏,或任何兩種(或以上)樂器小合奏的音樂選段,再由主持人及演奏家解說作曲和演奏技巧、中國音樂的風格演變、音樂素材等問題。此外,分享會亦會以大合奏的錄音選段和譜例,介紹大合奏中不同的音色組合和創作技法。(設中場休息)

  • 聲影集 2016:香港景觀(作曲家簡介)|香港作曲家聯會

    聲影集 2016:聲動香港 Concert 音樂會 Composers' Biography 作曲家簡介 Composers' Sharing 作曲家分享 Boo Chun-kit 布俊傑 Chan Chin-ting 陳展霆 Chan Ho-yi 陳浩貽 Chan Kai-young 陳啟揚 Chris Hung 洪銘健 Kwok Tsun-huen 郭雋晅 Lam Lai 林儷 Lau Hiu-kong 劉曉江 Livia Lin 凌崎偵 Lun Wai-kit 倫偉傑 Shao Litang 邵麗棠 Shuen Lai-yin 孫禮賢 So Ho-chi 蘇浩慈 So Ka-wai 蘇家威 Tam Ka-shu 譚家樹 Joyce Tang 鄧慧中 Wong Chun-wai 黃俊諱 Wyman Wat 屈雅汶 Yau May-kay 邱美琪 Austin Yip 葉浩堃 Composers' Biography 作曲家簡介 Boo Chun-kit 布俊傑 Born in Hong Kong, Boo Chun Kit started learning the piano at his young age, while began to compose in secondary school. Boo is currently studying in the Bachelor of Music with major in composition at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. In 2013, his work Gather Instant was performed in the SOUND- IMAGination: Hong Kong One Moment Concert. In 2014, his work Iridescent Clouds for string quartet was selected to perform in the New Generation 2014 Concert. He is also keen on multimedia production, and exploring music through different presentations and perspectives. Chan Chin-ting 陳展霆 Composer Chin Ting (Patrick) CHAN (b. 1986) has held faculty positions at the University of Missouri–Kansas City and Kansas City Kansas Community College. His music has been featured throughout the North and South Americas, Europe and Asia; at festivals such as the International Computer Music Conference, the International Rostrum of Composers, IRCAM’s ManiFeste, June in Buffalo and the Wellesley Composers Conference, among many others. His works are published with the ABLAZE Records, Darling’s Acoustical Delight, Melos Music, Music from SEAMUS, Navona Records/PARMA Recordings, the SCI Journal of Music Scores and Unfolding Music Publishing (ASCAP). Chan Ho-yi David 陳浩貽 David Ho-Yi Chan is a young composer, conductor and organist born in Hong Kong. His paper and compositions had been presented in various international academic occasions, including 2nd Chinese Composers’ Conference (2013), International Society of Contemporary Music (ISCM) World Music Days (2014) and Asian Composer League Festival & Conference (2015). With the support from CASH Music Fund and Jebsen & Co. Choral Arts Youth Scholarship, Chan is currently pursuing master of composition at the Royal College of Music under the tutelage of Joseph Horovitz. He is also serving as the Director of Music at John Keble Church in London. Chan Kai-young 陳啟揚 A Benjamin Franklin Doctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, Kai-Young Chan’s music is performed across the continents by leading ensembles such as Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Curtis Symphony Orchestra, Daedalus Quartet, International Ensemble Modern Academy, and Hong Kong New Ensemble. He was featured in ISCM World Music Days (Slovenia in 2015, Belgium in 2012), Havana Contemporary Music Festival (Cuba), International Forum of New Music (Mexico), Chinese Composers’ Festival (Hong Kong), Darmstadt Ferienkurse(Germany), Risuonanze Festival(Italy), and International Rostrum of Composers(Helsinki). His music is published by Editions Peters and recorded on Ablaze Records and PARMA Recordings. Please visit for more information. Chris Hung 洪銘健 Chris Hung’s music has been performed in many countries and he has collaborated with various ensembles and orchestras around the world. Hung has participated many international music festivals, such as ISCM World Music Days and 45th Darmstadt Summer Course for New Music etc. Accolades include Finalists in 2015 and 2011 SCO Chinese Orchestral Composition, 2014 Sibelius Composition Competition, "Florence String Quartet Call For Scores" Composition Competition and First Prize in “Sofia 2013” International Composition Competition etc. Dr. Hung’s scores are published by French publisher Babelscores. Currently Dr. Hung serves as one of the Directors of the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild. Homepage: Kwok Tsun-huen 郭雋晅 Kwok Tsun Huen, Corvus, graduated from the Hong Kong Baptist University with a Bachelor of music composition and a Master of Conducting. His major composition teachers included Dr. Christopher J. Keyes and Dr. Joyce W. C. Tang. After finishing the study in the University, Corvus went to the Shanghai Music Conservatory to have further studies on Violin Making. Ever since primary school, Corvus started learning to play the violin, then shortly after, the piano, the guitar and also the Guzheng. He even built an electric guitar to try to understand the instrument as a technical device. He is the Foley artist of the film <26 Happiness Road>, and also the Music director of several dramas and musicals, including , , and . His works were selected in the New Generation Composition Competition 2012-2014 and was being performed by several ensembles and being broadcast on RTHK. In 2015, his work is being performed in USA. Lam Lai 林儷 Lam Lai was born in Hong Kong. She studied music composition in The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and the Royal Conservatory in The Hague. Her compositions are performed in public around globe include orchestral, ensemble, electronic and interdisciplinary works. As a composer, she tends to create new hybrids of media and exploring sounds experience in music. She has focused on combining conventional performance practices with other forms of art such as electronic sound, visual art, film, literature and theatre. Currently, she is working with the music-theatre company de Veenfabriek for the performance RAARRR and touring around the Netherlands. Lau Hiu-kong 劉曉江 Lau Hiu Kong, Lawrence is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Music, major in composition at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Lau is active on promoting his music. His piano trio, Thorns, was performed on the concert of 32nd Asian Composers League Conference & Festival in Japan. Last year, His works, Cicada’s cry for Pipa, Sheng, Woodwind Quintet and Xiao for four Clarinets were performed in Beijing and Italy respectively. As a student composer, Lau has written for not only chamber music but also theatre, where he explores various concepts and languages. He has participated in several theatre productions, including Claustrophobic Space and Post-Guangxi. Livia Lin 凌崎偵 Livia Lin is the 2011 recipient of the Saint Botolph Club Foundation Emerging Artist Award. A Berklee College of Music graduate double majoring in Music Production & Engineering and Film Scoring, Lin was awarded scholarship to study composition at Tufts University where she received her MA. She has presented her compositions at the Asian Composers’ League Festivals and the Festival of Women in Arts, to name a few. Active in classical music productions, Lin has been credited as audio engineer in albums of composer Arthur Levering, Bang on a Can bassist Robert Black, and the Blue Heron Renaissance Choir. Lin also holds an LRSM (distinction) in piano performance. Lun Wai-kit 倫偉傑 EDWARD LUN, a music free-lancer graduated from the Hong Kong Institute of Education with Bachelor of Education (Secondary), studied composition with Dr. LAI SHEUNG-PING. He is now working as a composer, arranger, producer, etc., and had co-operated with music organizations and artists such as Chan Fai-young and Hilarious Productions Limited, etc. He is now a member of Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Composers’ Guild, musician in Hong Kong Chamber Wind Philharmonia, and teaching brass and band/orchestra in several schools. Shao Litang 邵麗棠 Shao Litang is currently a Doctor of Philosophy candidate at the University of Hong Kong under the supervision of Dr. Joshua Chan. She received her Master of Music degree majoring composition at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. Shao’s Chinese ensemble work Four Pieces of Chinese Calligraphy for Dizi, Soprano sheng, Pipa, Yangqin and Erhu was shortlisted in the score submission of “Music form the Heart” held by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra(HKCO) and was performed by HKCO in the concert. This piece also received the third prize of the 7th Con Tempo Chinese New Chamber Music Composition Competition presented by the Central Conservatory of Music. Shuen Lai-yin 孫禮賢 Shuen Lai Yin is currently studying in The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, with major in composition and electronic music. His compositions range from Western and Chinese instrumental chamber music, live electronics and choral music. His choral compositions “The Turns of Life”, “Goodbye Again, Cambridge” and “Deer Enclosure” are premiered by The Greeners’ Sound. Also, Shuen’s instrumental music has been performed by various music groups as Hong Kong New Music Ensemble, Jenga Percussion Ensemble, Romer String Quartet. Recently, his piece “Rainscape” is selected and premiered in the Asian Composers League 2015. So Ho-chi 蘇浩慈 So Ho Chi is a composition and electronic music student who is now studying in Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, under the teaching of Dr. Tang Lok Yin, in which he has presented various acoustic instrumental and vocal chamber and electronics works. So Ka-wai 蘇家威 SO Ka-wai obtained both his undergraduate and M.Phil degree at Hong Kong Baptist University, majoring music composition under the supervision of Prof. Christopher Keyes and Dr. Christopher Coleman. His works have been premiered local and overseas, including ACL Conference and Festival (Taipei in 2011, Manila in 2015), Yogyakarta Contemporary Music Festival (Indonesia), the XVI World Saxophone Congress (Scotland) and Kagoshima Asian Youth Arts Festival (Japan). Moreover, his works were selected as set pieces frequently in the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival. Tam Ka-shu 譚家樹 Ka-Shu Tam (b.1991) draws most of his inspiration from daily conversations. His interest in the human nature and the universe deeply influences his music perceptions. Tam's works have been performed across the world, and have also received radio broadcasts. He also earned commissions, including a commission by Hong Kong Education Bureau. Tam completed his Bachelor of Art in Hong Kong Baptist University. He earned his Master of Music in the University of Missouri - Kansas City. His major composition teachers include James Mobberley, Zhou Long, Chen Yi, Paul Rudy, Christopher Keyes and Christopher Coleman. Joyce Tang 鄧慧中 Joyce Tang has attracted numerous commissions from performing groups and performers, and many of her works have been performed worldwide. Website: Wong Chun-wai 黃俊諱 Earning his doctorate from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Wong Chun-wai has a versatile composition profile comprising concert music, musicals and film scores. His compositions are featured worldwide in occasions such as the International Rostrum of Composers, ISCM World Music Days and ACL Festival. His music is performed by professional musicians including the Internationale Ensemble Modern Akademie (IEMA), Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and performers from the New York Philharmonic. His works are recorded on Ablaze Records and published by the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild. For more information, please visit . Wyman Wat 屈雅汶 Wyman received her Master of Music Degree from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in composition, under the guidance of Mr. Law Wing-fai and Professor Richard Tsang. A number of her compositions had been presented and performed in Hong Kong and overseas with high praises. Her works Ancient Path (2006) and Animated Timeframes (2007) were performed and broadcasted by RTHK Radio 4. Her works Stone Tones (2008), The Man of Dust (2010), Ripples On… (2010), Prelude of Celebration (2011) and Somewhere in a City (2011) were commissioned by the Macao Percussion Association, Hong Kong Wind Kamerata, Parsons Wind Orchestra and HKBDA Band Directors Wind Orchestra respectively. Wyman is also active in promoting contemporary music and creative music making as both a composer and a flutist, collaborating with local and international artists. Yau May-kay 邱美琪 May Kay Yau entered the Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts at the age of 17. There she was the winner of the Concerto Trial and had her first orchestral piece presented in the concert of the 5th Anniversary of the Establishment of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Following that she was awarded a scholarship to pursue a Masters Degree at the Royal Academy of Music in London and completed her PhD study at the University of Bristol. Her compositions have been performed in Asia, North America and Europe. She was awarded Salabert Prix in George Enescu International Competition in Romania, and Aberdeen Music Prize in Scotland. Austin Yip 葉浩堃 Born in Hong Kong, Austin Yip’s works have been performed worldwide, festivals he participated include ISCM, ACL and many more. Yip obtained his PhD and Master of Philosophy (composition) degrees at the University of Hong Kong. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts (Music) degree from the University of California, Berkeley and a FTCL from Trinity College, London. Yip is the holder of James Kitagawa Memorial Music Scholarship, Regents’ and Chancellor’s Scholarship, Henry Holbrook Scholarship, James King Scholarship, Eisner Prize, Milton C. Witzel Memorial Prize, Rayson Huang Scholarship, CASH Best Commissioned Piece Award and the winner of the 1st Singapore Asian Composers Festival. Yip’s works are published by ABRSM (UK), BabelScores (France), Ablaze Records (US/ Australia) and Hong Kong Composers Guild. He is currently a lecturer at the Hong Kong Baptist University. Boo Chun-kit Chan Chin-ting Chan Ho-yi David Chan Kai-young Chris Hung Kwok Tsun-huen Lam Lai Lau Hiu-kong Livia Lin Lun Wai-kit Shao Litang Shuen Lai-yin So Ho-chi So Ka-wai Tam Ka-shu Joyce Tang Wong Chun-wai Wyman Wat Yau May-kay Austin Yip

  • 音樂沙龍 2021|香港作曲家聯會

    音樂沙龍:管樂作品展 Guest Performer: Hong Kong Wind Kamerata 演奏嘉賓:管樂雅集 Carmen Ma (Flute) 馬家敏(長笛) Guest Performer: Hong Kong Wind Kamerata 演奏嘉賓:管樂雅集 1/11 「音樂沙龍」旨在建立一個平台。為各參與的音樂學院進行音樂學術研究、音樂交流、演出、觀摩和進行各具創意的音樂活動。它亦提供一個平台給各學院的同學們和香港作曲家們進行交流和研究。「音樂沙龍」本年度參與的院校包括香港演藝學院、香港中文大學、香港教育大學和我們香港作曲家聯會。 ​ 演出日期和時間: 2021年10月15日(星期五)晚上8點 演出場地: 西灣河文娛中心劇院 ​ 音樂會監製: 李家泰/阮慧玲 ​ 演奏嘉賓: 管樂雅集 ​ 節目: ​ 劉力致-藍剔(2019) 香港中文大學音樂系 ​ 彭珺-魔山(2019) 香港中文大學音樂系 ​ 鄧澤恩-手洞(2018) 香港教育大學文化與創意藝術系 ​ 黃志燊-雪域(2019) 香港演藝學院音樂學院作曲及電子音樂系 ​ 黃正彥-流螢斷續光(2019) 香港中文大學音樂系 ​ 吳藝敏-萌生(2018) Bowling Green State University ​ 姚智康-月亮與輝夜姬(2019) 香港教育大學文化與創意藝術系 ​ 余梓朗-不會下雪的港(2018) 香港演藝學院音樂學院作曲及電子音樂系

  • 音樂新一代 2017|香港作曲家聯會

    ​ 音樂新一代 2017 ​入圍及得獎名單 Composers 作曲家 Titles 作品名稱 Results 成績 Chan Chi-long Tony 陳志朗 Fearing the Shadow 《杯弓蛇影》 Winner 冠軍 Lai Miu-yeung 黎渺揚 Introduction and Intermezzo 《序奏與間奏曲》 - Lee Ye-won 李睿源 Lifecycle 《Lifecycle》 - Tse Nok-kiu 謝諾翹 The Last Bite of a Plastic Paradise 《最後一噬塑桃源》 - Tsui Mei-ling Meilina 徐美玲 Surrounded by Cosmic Dust 《遨遊宇宙塵中》 1st Runner-up 亞軍 Wong Anson Ying-shun 王應淳 D’URBAN 《D’URBAN》 - Wu Chi-ching Esther 胡旨澄 Sea Scraped 《刮海》 2nd Runner-up 季軍 Yung Sing-nga 翁聲雅 Ripple 《漪》 - 音樂新一代 2017 音樂會 ​ 演出日期和時間:2017年6月1日(星期四)晚上8時 演出場地:九龍廣播道30號香港電台一號錄播室 ​演出嘉賓: 梁志承(單簧管) 何珈樺(中提琴) 王翹𦑊 (大提琴) 宋可樟(鋼琴) 委約作品:鄭重《無中生有》 ​ 音樂會由香港電台第四台(FM97.6-98.9 兆赫及 )錄音,並於2018年6月16日星期五晚上8時在「第四台音樂會」播出,並在6月21日星期三下午2時重播。

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