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Title: SOUND-IMAGination 2018: Hong Kong Culture

Deadline: 2017-10-15

Entry Fee: Nil

Info link: Nil

Supporting Document: 

SOUND-IMAGination: Hong Kong Culture



The concert will showcase 12 newly written works for 12 videos matching our theme, of each be 3–4 minutes. We welcome both video makers and composers to submit proposal for (1) video, (2) music, or (3) video and music. We encourage proposals that include collaborative production of video and music as one participating item. Composers are welcomed to work with their own professional videographers. Selected videos will be offered a rental fee, whilst commission for the newly written musical works will only be allocated to members of the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild only. Details are as follows:

  1. Each applicant can submit one proposal only.

  2. Each proposal may indicate the priority of interest in categories (1) video production only, (2) writing music only, and/or (3) collaborative production of video and music (possible to have more than 1 person in one proposal).

  3. The duration of each work should be between 3-4 minutes.

  4. Videos should be muted, with format preferably in mp4, 1920 x 1080 resolution, H.264 codec, and 25fps.

  5. Musical works can be written for solo, duet, trio, or quartet, within the instrumentation of one violin, one viola, one cello, and one piano, with or without tape. To be confirmed with individual successful applicant.

  6. The duration of work should be intimately fit with the video, which is about 3-4 minutes.

  7. There will be no conductor at the concert. Please make sure that the score is notated clearly, and all the instrumental techniques are practical enough for the performers.

  8. Composers, from category (2) and (3), must be member of the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild.

  9. Each selected video-only proposal will lead to an offer of HKD2,000 to the video-maker as video rental fee.

  10. Each selected composer, under the music-only category, will be offered a commission fee of HKD2,500 for the newly written musical work.

  11. Each collaborative video-and-music production will be offered a total of HKD4,500 as project commission.

  12. The videos and the musical works should not contain indecent or offensive messages.

  13. The videos should pass the criteria under the Film Censorship Guideline by the OFNAA.

  14. Participating members must be either the copyright holders of the videos or they must have been granted permission to use the videos.

  15. The Guild is not responsible for any legal or financial matters arising from the use of the videos.

Proposal shall be submitted with the attached application form and be sent via email to by 15 October 2017. The email should contain the name of applicant(s) of the video-maker and/or the composer while the application form must be anonymous and the files should be marked with the title only.

Registration and proposal

Applicants who wish to be considered for this project should:

  1. For category (1) and (3):
    Prepare a sample of video of at least 20 seconds to show the concept of proposing production.

  2. For category (2) and (3):
    Send a recent chamber work (in PDF format) that involves at least two of the above instruments, and any optional recording (in mp3 format).


Submission deadline: 15 October 2017


Announcement of results

Selected applicants will be notified by the end of October 2017.


Event schedule

15 October - Deadline of proposal submission

Before November - Announcement of selected video-makers and composers

7 January - Submission of video works

Early-January (2018) - Composers receive videos, endorsed after Film Censorship by OFNAA

23 March - Submission of musical works

25 April - SOUND-IMAGination Concert

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