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Boo Chun-kit’s “Looking from the Below”

【SOUND-IMAGination: Hong Kong Landscape 聲影集:香港景觀】 //Feature 特寫// Boo Chun-kit’s “Looking from the Below” I. Q&A 1. How did the image/video inspire you to write this piece? The duality of this image provides me an inspiration of the number of two. 2. Please share your perception of “Hong Kong”. How did you convey this perception in your work? I think there is full of juxtaposition in Hong Kong, especially for the cultural aspect. In my work, I decide to use two contrasting melodic motives; sometimes I make the two motives appear at the same time. 3. All visual elements of this concert, which served as the initial inspiration for the composers, will be projected on screen during the performance. What is the difference between composing with and without a specified visual image? To compose with a specific visual image, I think composers should aware of the extra-musical elements that may be induced from the image, for example memories, emotion. This can affect how the audiences perceive your music. II. About the Composer - Boo Chun-kit

Hobbies: Reading books, watching movies Composing habit: Improvise at first, then find some crucial relations between the musical elements, and recompose Favorite composer: Brahms

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