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Title: New Generation 2019

Deadline: 2019-04-04

Entry Fee: HK$200 for composers who are not members of HKCG

Info link:

Supporting Document: 

New Generation 2019



First held in 1989, the New Generation Concert aims at encouraging music creativity among young composers in Hong Kong by providing a platform for performance and exchange of musical ideas. Selected compositions for New Generation 2019 will be held on 6th June 2019 (Thursday) at RTHK Studio One and recorded by RTHK Radio 4 to be broadcast later.


Submission Details:

1.   This Call for Scores is open to Hong Kong residents born on or after 6th June 1989.

2.   Eligible composers can only submit one work in the form of hardcopy score. No other medium of the score, such as recording, is accepted.

3.   The duration of each work should be within 5 minutes.  An accurate duration of the work must be stated on the score.

4.   The work should be written for string quartet.

5.   The entire score (including notation, symbols, necessary instructions to performers, and duration) must be typed and in black-and-white only. Hand-written score will not be accepted. Only the title and instrumentation of the composition in both English and Chinese can be shown on the title page. Name and the institution of composer cannot appear anywhere on the score. Violators will be disqualified.

6.   All submissions must include the printed score, a copy of Hong Kong ID and a completed application form. They should reach Hong Kong Composers’ Guild Limited at Unit 707, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, on or before 5pm, 4th April 2019 (Thursday) (NOT by postmark). Late applications will not be considered.

7.   Application fees: Waived for all members* of the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild Limited (HKCG). HK$200 for composers who are not members of HKCG. Payment must be deposited into the Guild’s HSBC account at 636-474546-838. Please keep the deposit slip. Application without the slip will be disqualified.


* Membership must be confirmed at the time of submission. New application or application in process will not be considered as member.


Selection Arrangement:

1.    A jury panel, appointed by the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild Limited, will select works on grounds of artistic merit and performance practicality. The decision of the jury panel is final.  Results will be announced on 12th April 2019 (Friday) through the HKCG website: Shortlisted composers will be notified by email.

2.     Each shortlisted composer must:

  • provide full score and parts, a short programme note, a biography (maximum 150 words each) in English and Chinese, and a recent photo of high-resolution on or before 12pm, 17th April 2019 (Wednesday);

  • attend at least one rehearsal and the New Generation Concert 2019. Composers who fail to attend the concert will be disqualified.



There are three cash awards for the most outstanding compositions: 1st place HK$6,000; 2nd place HK$4,000; 3rd place HK$2,000. The winning composer will be invited to write a new work to be performed in the next New Generation Concert. All shortlisted composers will receive a certificate.


Please acquire application forms from the person-in-charge of each institution as follows:


The University of Hong Kong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong Music Institute

Hong Kong Baptist University

 The Education University of Hong Kong

The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Dr. Joshua Chan

Dr. Chan Kai-young

Dr. Ng Chun-hoi

Dr. Austin Yip

Dr. Leung Chi-hin

Mr. Galison Lau

Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

Prof. Clarence Mak






「音樂新一代」音樂會於1989年首次舉辦,旨在鼓勵香港年青作曲家發表作品,是演出作品及觀摩交流的平台。本年度獲選作品將於 2019年6月6日(星期四)在香港電台一號錄播室發表,並由香港電台第四台錄音於日後播出。



1.  參加者必須於1989年6月6日或之後出生,持香港特別行政區身份証。

2.  每名參加者只可遞交一首作品。作品只限樂譜,其他媒體如錄音恕不受理。

3.  每首作品的長度需為5 分鐘內,請在樂譜上清楚列明作品長度。

4. 作品配器為弦樂四重奏。

5.  樂譜內的所有記譜符號及解述,必須以電腦打出,手寫樂譜將不被接納。樂譜封面只可顯示作品名稱及配器,中英對照。作曲家的任何資料(包括姓名及所屬院校名稱)不可在樂譜任何地方顯示。違例者將被取消資格。

6.  樂譜連同已填妥之參加表格、身份証副本必須於2019年4月4日(星期四)下午5時或之前郵寄或親身遞交到香港灣仔港灣道2號香港藝術中心707室 ﹣香港作曲家聯會有限公司。遲交作品將不受理。

7.  香港作曲家聯會會員*可獲豁免報名費用。非香港作曲家聯會會員須繳付報名費港幣二百元正,並存入香港作曲家聯會有限公司匯豐銀行戶口:636-474546-838。請保留入數收條。不能提交銀行入數收條者將被取消資格。





  1. 由香港作曲家聯會委任的評選委員會將就參選作品的藝術性及實踐性進行評審,結果將於 2019年4月12日(星期五)在香港作曲家聯會網頁www.hkcg.org公佈,獲選參加者將收到電郵通知。評選委員會的決定為最終決定。

  2. 獲選作品之參加者必須:

  • 於 2019年4月17日(星期三)正午12時或之前向大會提交作品之總譜、分譜、樂曲簡介、高解像度近照及個人履歷(中、英文版本,各以150字為限)。

  • 出席至少一次排練及音樂會。作曲家如未能出席音樂會將被取消資格。




















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