YEUNG Pak-lun David
Yeung Pak-lun, from Guangdong Xin Hui, born in Shanghai in 1931, graduated from Shanghai St. John’s Universitty, Department of Chemistry. Yeung learnt violin from Professor Chen You-xin and learnt conducting and composition from Professor Ma Ge-shun. After he came to Hong Kong, he joined the YMCA brass orchestra, HK Philharmonic Orchestra and performed with the groups. He was the conductor of Kowloon Hop Yat Church, Ning-Zhao Chorus, North Point Methodist Church and Hong Kong Chinese Oratorio Society. He is now a member of Hong Kong Composers’ Guild, the Honorary chairman of The World Association for Chinese Church Music, examiner of HKADC, the chairman of Hong Kong Chinese Oratorio Society and the consultant of Hong Kong Hymn Society. In August 2014, Yeung was prized for Ten Outstanding Senior – Lifetime Achievement Award by the Hong Kong Chinese Christian Churches Union, commending his lifelong (1952-2014) persistence on composing hymns, having great impacts on the spiritual growth of a lot people.
Vocal / Chorus
Lord's Sermon Op.58 (2001) 2'
Because of Love, Op.53 (2000) 4'
尊主頌 Op.55 (1999) 6'
當感謝 Op.56 (1999) 5'
無往不利 Op.57 (1998) 3'30"
Nightingale, Op.54 (1998) 2'
God Bless China, Op.42 (1996) 2'
Lord, I will Praise You, Op.39 (1993) 3'30"
Sacred Music and Life, Op.40 (1993) 3'
You Must Have New Life, Op.26 (1992) 2'30"
Be a Good Disciple Example, Op.27 (1992) 1'30"
There's No Fear in Death, Op.28 (1992) 2'
Grant Us Peace, Lord, Op.30 (1992) 2'30"
Praise Ye the Lord, Op.31 (1992) 2'30"
Praise be to the Lord, Op.32 (1992) 3'
My Lord Must be with You, Op.33 (1992) 2'30"
Glad Tidings of His Resurrection, Op.34 (1992) 4'
The Grace of Our Lord Never Changed, Op.35 (1992) 4'
Please Listen to my Prayer, Op.36 (1992) 2'
The Song of Youth, Op.37 (1992) 3'
To be Saved Today, Op.38 (1992) 3'30"
So that You may Know, Op.23 (1991) 3'30"
For I am with You, Op.24 (1991) 5'30"
Lord, I will Follow You, Op.25 (1990) 4'
Eternal Love, Op.20 (1986) 3'30"
Song of Thanksgiving, Op.21 (1986) 2'30"
Has the Lord Deserted You, Op.22 (1986) 5'30"
Song of an Orphan, Op.19 (1985) 4'30"
Teach Me How to Pray, Op.29 (1984) 1'30"
The Challenge of Times, Op.12 (1984) 2'30"
Bell of Christmas, Op.13 (1984) 5'
Be Happy in God Always, Op.14 (1984) 3'30"
Work for Our Lord, Op.16 (1984) 2'
Praise of Love, Op.17 (1984) 3'
The Source of Life, Op.18 (1984) 4'
The Wonderful Love, Op.41 (1982) 2'30"
Father's Prayer, Op.15 (1982) 6'
Think of Your First Faith, Op.10 (1982) 3'30"
Vow to Love Thee, Op.11 (1982) 2'30"
Song of Marriage, Op.9 (1980) 3'
I will Follow Jesus, Op.6 (1956) 2'
Climb up the Mountain, Op.7 (1956) 2'
Holy Spirit Revive Me, Op.8 (1956) 3'30"
Lord, Come Live in my Heart, Op.5 (1955) 3'
Psalm No.23, Op.2 (1954) 3'
A Sinner's Prayer, Op.3 (1954) 4'
God's Love, Op.4 (1954) 3'
God has Promised, Op.1 (1953) 5'
Major Publications - Choir Anthem Collections
Beloved Hymns, 2001
Lord I will Praise You, 1996
Praise be to the Lord, 1988
Eternal Love, 1986
Ling-Siu Praise Songs, 1986
Holy Spirit Revive Me, 1984
God has promised, 1982
Praise and Thanksgiving, VCD in 1999
God's Love, CD in 1998
Praise be to the Lord, CD in 1992
Holy Spirit Revive Me, cassette tape in 1986
God has Promised, cassette tape in 1984
聲樂 / 合唱
主的呼喚 Op.58 (2001) 2'
是因著愛 Op.53 (2000) 4'
尊主頌 Op.55 (1999) 6'
當感謝 Op.56 (1999) 5'
無往不利 Op.57 (1998) 3'30"
夜鶯 Op.54 (1998) 2'
主佑中華 Op.42 (1996) 2'
主啊,我要讚美你 Op.39 (1993) 3'30"
聖樂與人生 Op.40 (1993) 3'
你必得著新生命 Op.26 (1992) 2'30"
作信徒的榜樣 Op.27 (1992) 1'30"
死亡不可怕 Op.28 (1992) 2'
求主賜和平 Op.30 (1992) 2'30"
讚主基督 Op.31 (1992) 2'30"
稱頌耶和華 Op.32 (1992) 3'
我主必來與你同在 Op.33 (1992) 2'30"
復活喜訊歌 Op.34 (1992) 4'
主的恩典永不改變 Op.35 (1992) 4'
求聽我禱告 Op.36 (1992) 2'
青年之歌 Op.37 (1992) 3'
得救在今天 Op.38 (1992) 3'30"
你可知道 Op.23 (1991) 3'30"
我與你同在 Op.24 (1991) 5'30"
主啊,我願跟隨你 Op.25 (1990) 4'
永恆的愛 Op.20 (1986) 3'30"
感恩歌 Op.21 (1986) 2'30"
主曾虧欠你嗎 Op.22 (1986) 5'30"
孤雁心聲 Op.19 (1985) 4'30"
時代的挑戰 Op.12 (1984) 2'30"
求主教我如何禱告 Op.29 (1984) 1'30"
聖誕鐘聲 Op.13 (1984) 5'
要靠主常常喜樂 Op.14 (1984) 3'30"
勤作聖工 Op.16 (1984) 2'
愛的頌讚 Op.17 (1984) 3'
生命之源 Op.18 (1984) 4'
奇妙的愛 Op.41 (1982) 2'30"
思念信主初 Op.10 (1982) 3'30"
哲言愛主 Op.11 (1982) 2'30"
父親的禱告 Op.15 (1982) 6'
婚姻頌 Op.9 (1980) 3'
同奔主道 Op.6 (1956) 2'
上高山 Op.7 (1956) 2'
願那靈火復興我 Op.8 (1956) 3'30"
求居我心中 Op.5 (1955) 3'
詩篇廿三篇 Op.2 (1954) 3'
罪人的禱告 Op.3 (1954) 4'
神的愛 Op.4 (1954) 3'
神的應許 Op.1 (1953) 5'
出版刊物 - Choir Anthem Collections
合唱集《心愛詩歌集》, 2001
合唱集《主、我要讚美你》, 1996
合唱集《稱頌耶和華》, 1988
合唱集《永恆的愛》, 1986
合唱集《靈韶詩集》, 1986
合唱集《願那靈火復興我》, 1984
合唱集《神的應許》, 1982
感恩頌讚獻唱音樂會(現場錄音) VCD in 1999
《神的愛》 CD in 1998
《稱頌耶和華》 CD in 1992
《願那靈火復興我》 cassette tape in 1986
《神的應許》 cassette tape in 1984