YEUNG Hoi-ching Alice
Alice Yeung was born and raised in Hong Kong. She is an active composer and instrumentalist who is enthusiastic about exploring new definitions of music from human nature and philosophy. Yeung is currently pursuing her Bachelor of Music Degree (specializing in Composition and Electronic Music) at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, under the supervision of Prof. Clarence Mak, Ms. Poly Ng, and Dr. Pui-shan Cheung. Her works have been commissioned and performed by Hong Kong Composers’ Guild, Hong Kong Gaudeamus Dunhuang Ensemble, Ictus Ensemble, Ligeti Quartet, Takuya Otaki, Ross Aftel, among others.
Yeung’s works range from instrumental solo pieces to orchestral music, world, and inter disciplinary music. She was chosen as the participant of The International Young Composers Academy 2021 in Tichino, Switzerland. She was the representative student to participate in the music exchange activities at Seoul National University (2018), also a composer and violist in “SPARK: The Science and Art of Creativity Festival” organized by the British Council.
Yeung has received scholarships to attend activities such as international conferences and short study courses with artists in Mainland China and overseas, such as Takefu International Music Festival 2018 & 2019, Yeoncheon DMZ International Music Festival 2013 & 2018. She has received important benefits for her artistic development from the tutelages of Chinary Ung, Toshio Hosokawa, Samson Young, Nishioka Tatsuhiko, and among other composers, via international workshops, academies, and masterclasses. She composed music with various styles which were characterized by her life, emotions, and philosophical nature.
楊凱晴是香港土生土長的作曲家,現於香港演藝學院修讀作曲及電子音樂。創作範疇有管弦 樂、中樂團、電子音樂、世界音樂、各類型室樂合奏及獨奏、以及音樂裝置編程多媒體作品。 近年委約作品有香港作曲家聯會「創樂背後:現代音樂展演交流平台」— 琵琶獨奏《鎖清 秋》、香港天籟敦煌樂團「古韻薪傳音樂會」— 䆳、唐笙、箜篌、曲項琵琶四重奏《枯木 說》、為美國紐約敲擊樂手Ross Aftel譜曲的馬林巴琴及電子原聲二重奏《Decay》。曾演奏 其作品的包括英國倫敦利蓋蒂四重奏、比利時 Ictus Ensemble、鋼琴演奏家大瀧拓哉,演藝 交響樂團、中樂團、當代合奏團等。
楊氏近年獲多個奬學金資助,前往各地作曲音樂節、大師班及座談會鑽研音樂。最近獲選為 瑞士國際青年作曲家學院(2021)作曲生。過往參與了日本武生國際音樂節(2018 & 2019)、英國文化協會於古蹟及藝術館大館舉辦的「SPARK - 科學與藝術創意節」(2018)、 韓國仁川DMZ國際音樂節(2018 & 2013)。
Orchestral (Western)
SPIDER (2020) 7’
Orchestral (Chinese)
Alice in the Wonder(ish)land // 清央 (2020) 6’
Chamber (Western)
Dedicated to Ictus Ensemble: Ding! Dong! Cha! // 丁! 噹! 查! (2021) 6’ for Contrabass flute, Cello and Percussions
Dedicated to Ligeti Quartet: Stormy Carnival next to the Creek (2020) 5’ for String Quartet
Wind Sailer // 撲風 (2020) 5’ for String Quartet
Abyss // 深淵 (2018) 9’ for Voice, Clarinet, Recorder, Cello
The Oasis (2018) 5’ for Flute, Violin, Viola, Cello, Piano
Significant Dust (2018) 4’ for Flute, Violin, Viola, Cello
Nostalgia // 陳憶 (2018) 4’ for Cello, Piano
The Abandoned Seelie // 不羈靈 (2018) 8’ for Alto saxophone, Vibraphone, Harp, Piano, Cello
The Eternal Waves from the Other Side // 從彼岸迎來的浪 (2018) 10’ for Flute, Harp
Chaos // 狼藉 (2017) 7’ for Saxophone, Piano
Bonfire Jungle // 營火叢(2017) 5’ for Flute, Violin, Cello, Timpani
Fugue for Flute Duo (2017) 4’ for Flute duo
Untitled Sonata // 毋嗚 (2016) 4’ for Cello, Piano
Cotton Field (2015) // 棉花田 6’ for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet
Chamber (Chinese)
As the Winds sweep by, the Creek trickles… // 風流水動之澗 (2019) 8’ for Guzheng ensemble
The Immortal Memoir // 枯木說 (2020) 6’ for Tangsheng, Xun, Konghou, Bent-neck pipa
Chamber (Mixed)
Pearl in Ditch //倒珠 (2019) 7’ for Flute, Oboe, Soprano sheng, Baritone saxophone, 2 percussionists Reveal: Terra-Firma (2019) 6’ for Flute, Taonga puoro
Night Parade of a Hundred Demons // 百鬼夜行 (2019) 8’ for Viola and Zhongruan
Instrumental Solo
Barred Autumn // 鎖清秋 (2020) 4’ for Pipa Solo
Dedicated to Takuya Otaki: Perception (2020) 4’ for Solo Piano
The Broken Rooftop // 破簷 (2019) 6’ for Solo Piano
Dedicated to Kam-fung Fan: Corpses in Dreams (2019) 12’ for Solo Alto Saxophone
Electroacoustic Music
Dedicated to Ross Aftel: DECAY (2021) 4’ for Solo Marimba and Tape
Computer Music
The 2020th Blackout Cycle in 2020 // 二零二零年的第二千零二十次暈厥循環 (2020) 4’ compiled by Ableton Live
Inter-disciplinary Music
Beneath You // 在這般背景中完成 (2021) 25’ for Interactive Audiovisual Installation, Lighting, Short Film