TSUI Mei-ling Meilina
Born in 1993 in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Meilina started learning piano at the age of 4, under the tutelage of her mother, Dr. Rashida Yanchinova. In 2009, she attained both LTCL in piano performance and the “Renaissance College Music Scholarship.” In 2015, Meilina graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Music (First Class Honours), under the sponsorship of the “Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarship,” At CUHK, she studied piano with Ms. Nancy Loo, and composition with Prof. Victor Chan, Prof. Wendy Lee, and Dr. Lo Hau-Man. In 2016, Meilina completed her Master of Music Degree in Composition with Prof. Silvina Milstein at King's College London under the “Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme.” Her other awards include “AIG Hong Kong Scholarship,” “CASH Scholarship”, and “C.F. Hu Postgraduate Memorial Scholarship.” In 2016 she was selected into the final round of an international composition competition in Prague (Czech Republic), to represent Hong Kong, China, where she was awarded a “Diploma for Outstanding Display of Skill." In October 2016 she took part at the annual ACL Conference & Festival in Hanoi (Vietnam). Her works have been performed by professional ensembles such as the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble, Romer String Quartet (HK), Lontano Ensemble (UK), and Ivory Duo Piano Ensemble (UK) among others.
93年出生於哈薩克斯坦前首都阿拉木圖。四歲起隨母親拉士達 · 楊契諾娃博士學鋼琴。09年獲得鋼琴演奏文憑LTCL,同年獲到《啟新書院音樂獎學金》。2015年,靠《香港賽馬會獎學 金》支助,於香港中文大學畢業(一級榮譽文學士)。大學期間曾隨羅乃新女士學鋼琴,及隨陳偉光、李允琪教授和盧厚敏博士學作曲。2016 年亦由《香港卓越獎學金》全額資助於英國 倫敦國王學院完成音樂碩士創作課程。她的其他學術獎包括《AIG 香港獎學金》、《香港作曲家及作詞家協會獎學金》以及《胡格非畢業生海外深造紀念獎學金》。2016 年美玲代表香港,中國被入選在布拉格(捷克共和國)舉行的國際作曲總決賽,獲得《技能優異文憑》。十月份在河內市(越南)亦參與亞洲作曲家同盟會議及音樂節。美玲的作品曾獲香港創樂團、
羅曼四重奏及英國的 Lontano 合奏和 Ivory Duo 鋼琴合奏等樂隊演奏。