SHING Chun-hay
SHING Chun-hay identifies creativity with its power to inspire new perception of music, art and life. His works have travelled across continents, performed in concerts and music festivals in—to name some recent locations—Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Thailand, Russia and the USA.
He has been named the winner of Rapee Sagarik Composition Award in the 15th Thailand International Composers Competition in 2019 for his piano quartet light-dark (Chiaroscuro). In 2018, his All memories are moistened, selected from over 800 anonymous submissions, was a finalist in Moscow State Conservatory's International Competition for Young Composers “New Classics”. It was subsequently premiered at Rachmaninov Hall and in the following year reprogrammed in a concert of Studio for New Music (Moscow, Russia).
As a composer, Shing has worked with many musicians in his native Hong Kong and overseas, including pianist Mary Wu, conductor Lio Kuokman, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Hong Kong Band Directors Association Wind Orchestra, Hong Kong New Music Ensemble, Ensemble Kochi (Japan), Juventas New Music Ensemble (Boston, USA), and Ensemble Mise-en (New York, USA). His music has been featured in Taipei International Choral Competition, Asian Composers League's Asian Music Festival (Tokyo, Japan), the first anniversary of Asia Culture Center (Gwangju, South Korea), and at the Esplanade in Singapore.
His other accolades include the First Prize of New Generation 2015, David Gwilt Composition Prize, Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Scholarship and Talent Development Scholarship. Alea Publishing and Recording has published his Moon over the West River, for clarinet and piano.
Shing obtained his Doctor of Music degree in composition at The Chinese University of Hong Kong under Professor Wendy Wan-ki Lee, having been supported by a full scholarship from Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund.
成氏憑鋼琴四重奏作品《明—暗》贏得2019年第十五屆泰國國際作曲比賽Rapee Sagarik作曲獎。2018年,作品《所有的記憶都是潮濕的》於莫斯科國立音樂學院舉辦的New Classics國際青年作曲家比賽,由超過800首不具名遞交的參賽作品中脫穎而出,入圍決賽十強,並於該院拉赫曼尼諾夫音樂廳首演,翌年由Studio for New Music(俄羅斯莫斯科)再度演出。
成氏以作曲家身份經常與香港及海外音樂家、音樂團體合作,計有:鋼琴家吳美樂、指揮家廖國敏、香港中樂團、香港管樂協會專業導師管樂團、香港創樂團、東風合奏團(日本)、Juventas New Music Ensemble(美國波士頓)、Ensemble Mise-en(美國紐約)等。作品曾於台北國際合唱大賽、亞洲作曲家聯盟亞洲音樂節(日本東京)、亞洲文化殿堂一週年紀念(南韓光州)、新加坡濱海藝術中心等場合演出。
曾獲其他獎項包括2015年音樂新一代冠軍、紀大衛作曲獎、香港作曲家及作詞家協會獎學金、才藝發展獎學金。為單簧管及鋼琴而寫的《西江月》,由Alea Publishing and Recording出版。
Erupt (2020) - for orchestra
The Wind Blows On (2019) - for wind band
Shimmering Red Leaves (2020) - for oboe, viola
All memories are moistened (2018) - for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, percussion, piano
Refilling the Interregnum (2018) - for violin, cello
A Self Tango (2018) - for violin, alto saxophone, piano
Four Reminiscences of Childhood (2017) - for flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon
light-dark (Chiaroscuro) (2016) - for violin, viola, cello, piano
Lost Memory in Sunset Pixels (2016) - for flute, clarinet, bassoon, horn, violin, viola, cello,
double bass
Dance to Light (2016) - for saxophone octet
Monologue in the Mountain Fog (2015) - for dizi, sheng, erhu, yangqin, zheng
Moon over the West River (2014) - for clarinet, piano
A Sense of Melancholy, a Song of Farewell (2013) - for violin, cello, piano
Choral & Vocal
Justus germinabit (2019) - for choral, SATB a cappella; sung in Latin (text from Bible)
隰桑 (xi sang) (2018) - for choral, SATB, a cappella; sung in Mandarin (text by Leung Ping-kwan)
生查子‧元夕 (On the Night of Lantern Festival) (2018) - for baritone, piano; sung in Cantonese (text by Ouyang Xiu)
音樂使我們連結在一起 (Music Brings Us Together) (2013) - for choral, SATB and piano; sung in Mandarin (text by Shing Chun-hay)
The Stars Bygone (2017) - for piano
By the Lovesick Tree (2015) - for flute
Shall We Talk (2016) - for string quartet (arr. of Eason Chan’s cantopop song)