Pang Kwan, Kevin attained his medical degree and Master of Arts in Music at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He is in his study of Master of Music at CUHK, under the supervision of Prof Chan Kai Young. His compositions have been performed at the National Symphony Orchestra Musicians at Home Concert in USA, Hong Kong Contemporary Music Festival 2020, Interactive Platform for Contemporary Music Appreciation of Hong Kong Composers’ Guild and Ensemble-in-Residence concerts of CUHK Department of Music. His compositions had also been selected for performance at the Music Salon of Hong Kong Composers’ Guild, and as finalist entry for New Generation 2020 etc. His music has been performed by various groups such as the Lehner Quartet, Cong Quartet, Sregnis Singers and Stellar Trio.
彭珺先後於香港中文大學取得內外全科醫學士學位及音樂文學碩士,並於香港中文大學音樂系修讀作曲音樂碩士,師隨陳啟揚教授。其作品曾於美國國家交響樂團《National Symphony Orchestra at Home》音樂會、《香港當代音樂節 2020》、香港作曲家聯會《現代音樂展演交流平台》及香港中文大學音樂系《駐校樂團計劃》音樂會演出。其作品亦曾入選《音樂新一代2020》決賽及香港作曲家聯會《音樂沙龍》等。他的作品獲不同團體演出,包括 Lehner四重奏、Cong四重奏、合唱俠,及Stellar三重奏等。
Scherzo [3’40”] for string quartet
Lullaby [7’30”] for string quartet
A Tree of Jade Standing in the Autumn Wind [5’10”] for erhu and guzheng
Wojtek [5’10”] for clarinet, percussion, violin, and violoncello
La Serenata [7’20”] for string quartet
Consolation [6’10”] for string quartet
The Magic Mountain [5’] for wind quintet
Habanera [6’30”] for clarinet, violoncello and piano
Ave Maria [4’40”] for SSAATTBB a cappella