LAU Cheuk-Ho Fredrick
Graduating with First Class Honours in Bachelor of Arts in Music from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Frederick LAU currently pursues Master of Music in Composition at McGill University under the supervision of Prof. Melissa HUI. His undergraduate and graduate studies were funded by numerous scholarships, including the Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme, HSBC Overseas Scholarship Scheme, C. F. Hu Postgraduate Memorial Scholarship, Bernard Van Zuiden Music Prize, etc.
Recent works include compositions written for solo marimba, solo carillon, tape, solo violin and electronics, and horn trio. The tape composition, Interbeing, was selected to be performed at the annual conference of Canadian University Music Society in the Congress 2021 of the Humanities and Social Sciences. Having studied composition with Prof. Wendy LI, Prof. Stephen CHATMAN, and Dr. William SO, LAU’s compositions have been premiered by various professional musicians, e.g., Between Contrasts (2018) performed by Contrast Trio, A Game of Banality (2018) performed by Hong Kong Wind Kamerata in the New Generation Composition Competition 2018 held by Hong Kong Composers’ Guild, and Tiptoes (2020) by Cong Quartet. During his undergraduate exchange studies at The University of British Columbia (UBC), LAU composed three compositions that were premiered at Roy Barnett Recital Hall.
劉卓豪以一級榮譽取得香港中文大學音樂文學士(作曲)學位,作曲師隨蘇偉雄博士、李允琪教授及Stephen Chatman 教授。在學期間,更屢獲獎學金,如滙豐海外獎學金計劃、萬瑞亭音樂獎等。劉氏現為麥基爾大學作曲碩士一年級生,師隨Melissa Hui教授,並獲香港卓越獎學金計劃全額資助。
劉氏對室內樂的創作尤感興趣,其作品曾被不同樂團公開演奏,包括由 Contrast Trio 公開首演的《異中見同》(2018),由管樂雅集公開首演的《亦如俗戲》(2018)。以及由Cong Quartet首演的《悄步》(2020)。在英屬哥倫比亞大學交流學習間,劉氏的三首新作在當地首演。於麥基爾大學在學期間,劉氏的唯聲音樂作品 (acousmatic composition)《互即互入》(2020)更被選中於Canadian University Music Society(MusCan)年度研討會(2021)中公開演出。
Gossamer for Solo Marimba (2021), ca. 8’
Eidos and Eikôn for Solo Violin and Electronics (2021), ca. 11’
The Hour Before the Dawn for Violin, Horn and Piano (2021), ca. 5’
Interbeing for Stereo Fixed Medium (2020), 7’36’’ – selected to be performed at Canadian University Music Society (MusCan) in the 2021 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Canada
Omnes Una Manet Nox for Solo Carillon (2020), ca. 8’
Tiptoes for String Quartet (2020), ca. 5’30’’ – premiered by Cong Quartet
Vox Nihili for Violin, Cello, Clarinet and Percussion (2020), ca. 5’
Because of the Wind for SATB and String Octet (2019), ca. 12’30”
Four Landscapes for Guitar Quartet (2019), ca. 9’
Night Piece for Soprano and Guitar (2019), ca. 6’
Duo for Clarinet and Piano (2018), ca. 6’
A Game of Banality for Wind Quintet (2018), ca. 5’ – selected as a finalist of New Generation 2018 by Hong Kong Composers’ Guild; premiered by Hong Kong Wind Kamerata
Between Contrasts for Violin, Saxophone and Piano (2018), ca. 8’30’’ – premiered by Contrast Trio
Hat Alles Seine Zeit for SATB Choir (2018), ca. 3’30’’
Little Dance Suites for Recorder and Guitar (2018), ca. 6’30’’
A Trio of Tango for Guitar, Erhu and Yuan (2018), ca. 4’
Four Movements for Flute and Clarinet (2017), ca. 8’
Fugue on the theme L’homme Arme for Strings Quartet (2017), ca. 3’’