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FONG Lok-chi

Since he first encountered a piano, Roger does not just play on it but branches out himself into different music activities.

He got an ATCL, an LMusTCL and an MA degree of Music from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has been singing, performing, arranging and conducting in various music groups as well as taking part in different types of administrative works in different groups, organizing various art activities.  Organizations include the Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus, Hong Kong Youth Choir, Methodist Church Hong Kong, SingFest etc.

For composition, beside his dedication on pop music which was prized before, he, since his postgraduate days, became a member of the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild.  His Glimpses on Ourselves was premiered by the Hong Kong Wind Kamerata, and other works were chosen by the Guild for Match Making Concert 2018 and Hong Kong Contemporary Music Festival 2018, also broadcasted by RTHK 4.

His works were performed by renowned ensembles such as the Hong Kong Children Choir and Brno Philharmonic Orchestra.  

In 2020, his String Quartet Variations of Emotions was published in the Disc “Playing Edge 2” by Navona Records, played by the Sirius Quartet, and his orchestral piece Rhapsody on a Night by the Maple Bridge was published by the Ablaze Records on its “Orchestral Masters Volume 7”.



作曲方面,除了過往一直熱愛並曾獲獎的流行曲作品外,他自研究生起成為香港作曲家協會會員,其作《人間數瞥》曾由管樂雅集首演,亦曾被協會獲選參與「創藝匯新聲2018」以及「香港現代音樂節 2018」,並由香港電台第四台播出。

他的作品曾被香港兒童合唱團及布爾諾愛樂樂團演奏及錄音。2020年,其弦樂四重奏《情緒變奏曲》獲收錄於Navona Records的Playing Edge 2唱片,由Sirius四重奏演出,而其管弦樂作品《楓橋夜泊雜思》則獲收錄於Ablaze Records的Orchestral Masters Volume 7唱片,由布爾諾愛樂樂團演出。

  • Glimpses on Ourselves (2017) Woodwind Quintet 

  • Overture to Hong Kong (2017) Orchestral Piece 

  • Pater Noster (2018) - Vocal Piece for 2 soprano, 1 tenor and piano accompaniment

  • Prayer of St. Francis (2018) - Choral Piece (SSA) with piano accompaniment

  • Rhapsody of a Night (2019) - by the Maple Bridge Orchestral Piece

  • Variations on Emotions (2019) String Quartet

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