CHAN Wing-wah
Prof. Chan was the first Resident Composer of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. His orchestral works including 8 Symphonies, 7 of them published by Hugo Productions were recorded by the Russian Philharmonic Orchestra and Voronezh State Symphony Orchestra in Russia, the Hong Kong Sinfonietta and the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. The music score of Symphony No.7 ‘Great Wall’ was published by Beijing People’s Music Publishing House.
His international awards include First Prize in the International Double Reed Society Composition Conest, USA; the Yoshiro Irino Memorial Award from the Asian Composers League and the 20thCentury Masterpiece Award by the China Culture Promotion Society, Beijing. Locally he received the Composer of the Year Award from the Hong Kong Artists' Guild (1991), the Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award (1992), TVB Children Song Gold Award, CASH Golden Sail Music Awards 2004 and 2007.
His recent works were performed in the International Society for Contemporary Music-World Music Days Festival in Stuttgart, Germany; Summer Music Festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia; Trieste Prima Festival in Trieste, Italy; Alesander Tansman Music Festival in Lodz, Poland; Festival LIM 2Mil in Madrid and the Festival BBK in the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain; Klang-Klee Festival to commemorate Paul Klee in Winterthur and Bern, Switzerland; and music festivals in Argentina, Korea and Japan. His biography is included in the New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians Online.
Prof. Chan became Music Director of the Hong Kong Oratorio Society(founded 1956) since 1995 and has been leading this choir with regular concerts and occasional concert tours to perform oratorios and other masterpieces. He has conducted orchestras in Shanghai, Beijing, Macao, Shenzhen, Gwangju(Korea) in addition to the HK Philharmonic Orchestra, HK Sinfonietta, HK Chinese Orchestra and HK Strings.
Chan is Chairman of the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong and a Council Director of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. He also serves as advisor to numerous groups including the China Broadcasting Folk Orchestra (Beijing) and the Hong Kong Dance Company. He had also served as a member of the Arts Development Council for over ten years, Chairman of the Hong Kong Composers' Guild 1993-2004 and the Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund 1996-2006. The Hong Kong Government appointed him Justice of the Peace in 2000. He was invited to become a member of the Chinese Musicians Association in 2009.
Prof. Chan graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a BA in Music. He further studied composition at the University of Toronto and earned his Master and Doctor of Music degrees on a British Commonwealth Scholarship. He had also attended the Darmstadt Summer Course in New Music on a grant from the German Academic Exchange Service. He was Professor of Music of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and had served as Chairman of the Music Dept and Deputy Dean of Arts.
He is now Associate Director of the School of Professional And Continuing Education, The University of Hong Kong (HKU SPACE) and Head of its Centre for Creative and Performing Arts.
Compositions: 8 symphonies, other orchestral and chamber works, choral music, children songs, etc. His music is published by Hugo Productions and People’s Music Publishing, Beijing.
Awards: First Prize in the International Double Reed Society Composition Contest, USA; Yoshiro Irino Memorial Award (Asian Composers League); 20th Century Masterpiece Award (China Culture Promotion Society, Beijing); Composer of the Year Award (Hong Kong Artists' Guild 1991); Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award (1992), CASH 1997 Most-Performed Serious Music Award; TVB Children Song Gold Award, CASH Golden Sail Music Awards 2004 and 2007.
His biography is included in the New Grove Dictionary of Music & Musicians Online.
Present duties:
Associate Director, The University of Hong Kong’s School of Professional And Continuing Education (HKU SPACE), Head of its Centre for Creative and Performing Arts.
Chairman, the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong; Music Director, Hong Kong Oratorio Society; Council member, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra; Honorary Advisor: China Broadcasting Folk Orchestra (Beijing), Hong Kong Dance Company, etc. The Hong Kong Government appointed him Justice of the Peace in 2000. He was invited to become a member of the Chinese Musicians Association in 2009.
Education: BA in Music, the Chinese University of Hong Kong; Master and Doctor of Music in Composition, University of Toronto.
Former positions: Professor of Music at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and its Music Dept. Chairman and Associate Dean of Arts; Chairman of HK Jockey Club Music & Dance Fund; HK Arts Development Council member, etc.
香港管弦樂團首位駐團作曲家. 創作八首交響曲中,七首由香港小交響樂團, 香港中樂團及俄羅斯的兩隊交響樂團灌錄,雨果製作有限公司出版。第七交響曲《長城》總譜則由北京人民音樂出版社出版。
曾獲美國「國際雙簧協會作曲比賽」首獎, 日本「入野義朗紀念獎」, 北京中華民族文化促進會《廿世紀華人音樂經典》獎。香港藝術家聯盟頒「作曲家年獎」,「十大傑出青年」獎, 香港電視廣播有限公司《兒歌金曲獎》, 香港作曲家及作詞家協會「1997本地正統音樂最廣泛演出獎」及2004, 2007「最佳正統音樂作品金帆音樂獎」。他在國際發表近作的地方包括: 德國斯圖加特「ISCM國際現代音樂節」、斯洛文尼亞「盧布爾雅那夏日音樂節」、義大利迪里雅斯特的首屆音樂節、波蘭Lodz「亞歷山大唐斯曼音樂節」、西班牙馬德里的LIM 2Mil及畢爾巴古根海姆博物館的BBK藝術節、瑞士溫特圖爾及伯恩的「Klang-Klee音樂節」、亞根廷、日本及韓國的音樂節等。 他被列入「葛洛夫音樂百科全書」線上版。
現任香港作曲家及作詞家協會主席 ,香港中樂團理事,及多個團體的顧問包括中國廣播民族樂團、香港舞蹈團等。曾任香港作曲家聯會主席, 藝術發展局委員及賽馬會音樂及舞蹈基金會主席逾十年。2000年獲港府委任為太平紳士。2009 年獲邀成爲中國音樂家協會會員。
陳氏為香港中文大學文學士, 同時獲倫敦聖三一音樂學院作曲院士銜.。後獲英聯邦獎學金赴加拿大多倫多大學深造,獲音樂碩士及博士銜。亦獲德國學術交流部獎學金參加達木斯達現代音樂夏令班. 1986- 2007年間任教於香港中文大學音樂系,為音樂講座教授,系主任及文學院副院長。
獎項: 美國「國際雙簧協會作曲比賽首獎」,日本「入野義朗紀念獎」, 北京中華民族文化促進會《廿世紀華人音樂經典》獎。香港藝術家聯盟「1991作曲家年獎」,1992年「十大傑出青年」獎, 香港電視廣播有限公司《兒歌金曲獎》, 香港作曲家及作詞家協會「1997本地正統音樂最廣泛演出獎」及2004, 2007「最佳正統音樂作品金帆音樂獎」。
教育:香港中文大學文學士, 加拿大多倫多大學音樂碩士及博士。
現任:香港大學專業進修學院副院長,及其創意及表演藝術中心總監。香港作曲家及作詞家協會主席,香港聖樂團音樂總監, 香港中樂團理事及多個團體的顧問包括中國廣播民族樂團、香港舞蹈團等。2000年獲港府委任為太平紳士。2009 年獲邀成爲中國音樂家協會會員。
曾任: 香港中文大學音樂系講座教授,系主任及文學院副院長。賽馬會音樂及舞蹈基金會主席, 藝術發展局委員等.
Orchestral (Western)
Drum Dance 鼓舞(2013)
for Orchestra(written for the Daegu International New Music Festival, premiered by the Daegu International Opera Orchestra in Daegu, Korea)Reflections of Macao 濠江映照 (2005) 9'
commissioned by the Macao Symphony OrchestraMoon Over Mountain Pass 關山月(1998) 12'48"
commissioned by Echoes of the Silk Road Committee for HK Phil OrchOverture - The Sea of Stars 星之海 (1998) 6'
for organ & orchestra; commissioned by Guangzhou Ministry of Culture for the opening of Xinghai Concert HallSymphony No.6 (Reunification) (1996) 25'
commissioned by HKPOSymphony No.5 (1995) 29'
for double orchestra; commissioned by HKPOElevation (1994) 15'
for organ & orchestra; commissioned by HKPO for its 20th anniversarySymphony No.4 (Te Deum) (1992) 35'
for soprano, tenor, choir & orchestra; commissioned by the Hong Kong Oratorio Society & the Council for Performing ArtsMorning Sun (1990) 15'
commissioned by the Chinese Canadian Music Society of Ontario and CASHTransit (1988) 10'
commissioned by HKCG for the 1988 ISCM-ACL World Music DaysExpose (1987) 13'30"
commissioned by the Music Office for its 10th anniversarySymphony No.3 (1985) 35'
for double orchestraCelebration (1984) 8'
commissioned by HKPO for its 10th anniversarySymphony No.2 (1981) 18'
for 2 pipas & orchestraSymphony No.1 (1979) 22'
Orchestral (Chinese)
Thunderous Drums Shaking the Earth 雷鼓動山川(2007), 12’
commissioned by the Hong Kong Chinese OrchestraEight Steeds八駿 (2007) 5’30”
commissioned by the Hong Kong Chinese OrchestraSymphony No. 7 – The Great Wall第七交響曲“長城” (2005) 25'
commissioned by the Hong Kong Chinese OrchestraSymphony No.8 -- This Boundless Land 第八交響曲“蒼茫大地” (2006) 30'
commissioned by the HK Chinese OrchestraMoon Over Bounteous Land 朗月耀九州(2002) 6'53"
commissioned by the Hong Kong Chinese OrchestraRejoice in Peace (1993) 16'
Flying Clouds (1990) 15'
Festival Overture (1989) 11'
Chamber (Western)
Sages Plateau 仙人台上 (2012) for clarinet, violin, viola & cello(for the victims of the 311 earthquake in Tohoku area, Japan)
(premiered by Ensemble Eclat in Contemporary Music Festival, Hiroshima, Japan)Light of Faith光照寰宇(2012) for fl., ob., cl., bn., pf., 2 vn., va, vc & db 10’ commissioned by Chung Chi College, CUHK for the College’s 60th anniversary
Wind Over the Grassland (2011) for viola, double bass, guitar & tom-tom. commissioned by the 14th Young-nam International Contemporary Music Festival in Daegu, Korea, premiered by the Ensemble Nomad from Tokyo.
SAGES PLATEAU for clarinet, violin, viola & cello(2012) commissioned by the Contemporary Music Festival of East Asia, Hiroshima, Japan.
M+ (2009) 8’
for tenor trb, db & pf commissioned by the Melbourne New Music Festival, premiered in Melbourne and Hobart, Tasmania.Oriental Garden 東方花園(2008) 9'
for eng. hn, va & guitar; written for the Sortisatio Ensemble, Leipzig for the 2008 Klang Klee Festival in Bern and Winterthur, SwitzerlandThe Flying Apsaras 敦煌飛天 (2006) 8’
for string quartet; written for the Ensemble Antipodes in 2006 ISCM World New Music Festival, StuttgartInto Immensity 在深處 for fl, cl, trb, va, vc, perc & pf (2006) 10’
written for the Ljubljana Festival 2006, SloveniaLove is Beyond Words II 無言的爱 II(2003) 6'30"
for violin & pfEternal Love 永恒的爱(2003) 4'20"
for string quartetThe Path of Love爱的足跡 (2003) 4'38"
for string quartetSpark 火花(2002) 8'
for pipa, 2 vn, va & vcThe Lord is My Shepherd (2002) 4'24"
for string quartet & pfDistant Hill 逺山 (2000) 10'
for string quartet; commissioned by LCSD for HK Phil. Orch.Summer Day 夏日(2000) 6'
for ob, va & vcDragon Spirit (2000) 6'
for 2 vnEt in Terra Pax 地上的平安(1999) 12' for oboe, viola, cello & pipa
Impact (1995) 7'
for 4 perc; commissioned by HKAFMerge (1990) 6'
for string quartet; commissioned by HKAF & CASHThree Piano Pieces for Children (1989) 5'
Continuity (1989) 12'
for vn, vc & pf; commissioned by the Canzona TrioDivertimento (1987) 8'
for bn & pf; commissioned by the Department of Music, HKUImpressions (1987) 9'
for 2 pfFocus (1986) 11'
for fl, bn & pf; commissioned by the Hong Kong Arts Centre and the Cable & Wireless Ltd.Blossoms (1983) 12'
for fl, cl, vn/va, vc, pf-hpch & perc; commissioned by HKAFConcertino (1983) 17'
for pf, female voices & chamber ensembleQing Shang Bian (1982) 10'
two variations for pf on the Qing Shang modeTrio (1982) 15'
for vn, zheng or hpch & vcCircle (1981) 10'
for fl, vn, tb, pipa & percAutumn (1980) 7'
for fl, ob, gtr & vaQuintet (1980) 10'
for fl, ob,vn, va & vc; commissioned by the HKACScherzo (1978) 7'
for va & pf
Chamber (Chinese)
關山渡若飛 for pipa & piano (2012) commissioned by the Taipei Municipal Chinese Orchestra for its Pipa Competition
By the Pool of the Nan-lian Garden 南蓮池畔 (2009) 9’
for dizi, sheng, ruan, yang-qin, zheng, pipa, erhu & zhong hu; written for the Chinese Music VirtuosiBeyond the Sky 天蒼蒼(2003) 12'30"
for sheng, erhu, pipa, zheng, cl & fl; written for the Chinese Music VirtuosiOver Ten Thousand Mountains 逾萬山(2002) 8'35"
for bang-di, sheng, erhu & zheng; written for the Chinese Music VirtuosiGod of Protection 守護神(2002) 8'30"
for a large ensemble of 40-50 players of Chinese plucked-string instrumentsShi Huai 釋懷(1999) 10'
for dizi, sheng & yangqin
Instrumental Solo
Moon Dance月舞 (2004) 6'30"
Love is Beyond Words I無言的爱I (2003) 6'43"
for pfFire of Love 爱火(2003) 4'30"
for vcTimer
for pf; commissioned by RTHK (1987) 10'Mo Shan Qi (1980) 6'
for pipa
Vocal / Choral
Sanctus(2012) for SATB, oboe and cello
Sanctus(2012) for SATB & organ
Let Us Rejoice (from Song of Songs) (2013) for soprano, tenor solo, SATB & piano (in memory of Ms. Lee Bing)
SANCTUS for oboe d’amore, viola da gamba & SATB choir (also arranged for SATB Choir & organ) (2012) commissioned by the HK New Music Ensemble, premiered by HK Bach Choir
19 children songs (2011) published in 陳永華 鄭國江幼童作品專題, 香港兒童合唱團出版, 2012
Our song of Peace for choir & piano陳鈞潤 詞,(2010)
commissioned by UNESCO Peace International Foundation, premiered in the HK Peace Festival.
國殤 --為四川大地震受難同胞而作, 霍韜晦 詞 (2009)
虹, 陳鈞潤 詞,(2009) A theme song of the musical of the same name, commissioned by 港福堂 for its anniversary.
為光作見證 for choir, trumpet, cello, timpani and organ陳鈞潤 詞 (2008) 15’ commissioned by 中華基督教會閩南堂 for its 70th anniversary
One World, One Voice, 陳鈞潤 詞(2008) for youth choir & orchestra 6’ commissioned by the World Youth Choir Festival, premiered in HK Asia World Expo, broadcast by Phoenix TV and ATV)
絃韻歌聲遍大地 Music for world Harmony(2008) 吴瑞卿 詞for narrator, choir, Chinese and western orchestra 15’ commissioned by the HK Schools Music & Speech Festival for its 60th anniversary Gala Concert.
孔聖頌, 徐尉玲 詞 (2007) commissioned by 孔教學會
誠信直航,鄭國江詞 (2007) commissioned by 傑出青年拹會 for an ICAC function for youths.
黄大仙组曲 吴瑞卿 詞(2007)commissioned by 黄大仙區議會
Reminiscence 追憶, 吴瑞卿 詞(2006) 4’
for mezzo-soprano & piano光明的捐獻 (2005) 鄭國江詞1'35"
written for the Action for Vision, Eye Foundation for the Eye Care Campaign for School ChildrenSeason of Love 陳鈞潤 詞(2003) 6'
for SATB & pfThe Lord is My Shepherd (2002) 4'24"
for SATB & orchestraThe Lord is My Shepherd (2002) 4'24" for SATB & pf
Tue s Petrus (2002) 5'30"
for SATB & pfReviving Arts and Culture 復興文藝,陳鈞潤 詞 (1998) 9'
for SATB & pf
Nine Regions Sing As One九州同頌, 陳鈞潤 詞 (1997) 10'
for tenor solo, SATB & pfCanterbury Bell (1995) 4' for mezzo-soprano & pf
Ten Sisters (1994) 3'
arranged for chorus & Chinese instrumental ensembleWhite Jasmine (1994) 3'
arranged for chorus & Chinese instrumental ensembleMa-Yi-La (1994) 3'
arranged for chorus & Chinese instrumental ensembleLove Song/Reminiscence (1993) 4'
version 1: for soprano & pf
version 2: for mixed voices & pfI Love to Sing My Song (1991) 3'
for children's choirPeace to the Planets (1990) 4'
for children's or female choirMusica (1989) 4'
for children's or female choirMei Ren (1989) 5'
arranged for choirLooking Afar (1987) 4'
for SATB choirBig Little World (1986) 4'
for children's choir; commissioned by the Hong Kong Children's ChoirMoonlight Lullaby (1985) 7'
version 1: for choir & pf
version 2: for choir & Chinese orchestraTen Sisters (1985) 4'
for choir & pfNunc Dimittis (1980) 5'30"
for mixed chorus a cappella
Pater Noster (1979) 6'
for soprano & pf
Yu Mei Ren (1978) 4'
for soprano & pf
Drama & Ballet Music
Caligula 卡里古拉 (2009)
music for drama; commissioned by the HK RepertoryZheng He 鄭和(2005)
music for drama; commissioned by the HK RepertoryLooking for the Dragon 尋龍記- TV Documentary (2007)
The Strangers (Piano Reduction) (1993) 25'
Numerous congregational hymns and anthems, children song-books and school songs
i. Orchestral
Celebration, Hong Kong Records CD8.242119
Morning Sun, Hugo HRP 795-2
Morning Sun, CUMUS 001
Symphony No.1, Hugo HRP 795-2
Symphony No.3 for Double Orchestra (3rd mvt.), Hong Kong Records CD8.240442
Symphony No.3 for Double Orchestra, Hugo HRP 795-2
Transit, Hugo HRP 799-2
Transit, D & I Dragon Classic DIGP-CD8.242142
Symphony No.4 (Te Deum), Hugo HRP 7135-2
Symphony No.5 (The Three Kingdoms), HRP 7184-2
Symphony No.6 (Reunification), HRP7184-2
Symphony No.7 (The Great Wall) for Chinese Orchestra, HRP7271-2
Symphony No.8 (This Boundless Land) for Choir, Organ & Chinese Orchestra, HRP7271-2
ii. Chamber
The Source of Love, Hugo ST2506-2
Spark, "CASH 25th Anniversary - A Creative Odyssey", CASH-03
Impressions, Hong Kong Records CD8.242142
Timer, CBS/SONY CLD 1001
iii.Vocal / Choral
Yumeiren, "Fruits on the Tree", Hugo ML-W3105
Folksong Suite: Moonlight Lullaby, HKCC 3003
Folksong Suite: Moonlight Lullaby, Hong Kong Records CD8.242118
Looking Afar, Marco Polo HKC-8.001
Reminiscence, Hugo HRP301G 301-2
The Canterbury Bell, BMG 74321-32617-2
iv. VCD / DVD
Moon Over Bounteous Land, HKCO-VCD-5-2003-7
Moon Over Bounteous Land, HKCO-VCD-4-2003-7
The Source of Love, Wind Flower Production-VCD-2003
The Source of Love, Wind Flower Production-DVD-2003
Yumeiren, "Allegro Singers 40th Anniversary Concert", Allegro Singers-DVD-2004
Symphony No.6 'Reunification'第六交響曲'九州同' (full score with CD) was published by People's Music Publishing House, Beijing 北京人民音樂出版社 2011
陳永華, 鄭國江幼童作品專輯 (+九首兒歌). 香港兒童合唱團出版. 2012
"Composing Music in Hong Kong", Asian Composers in the 20th Century. ed. Japan: Japan Federation of Composers, 2002. pp.189-192.
"Dragon Spirit", Passions Within for Violin. Australia: Red House Editions, 2001. pp. 6-8.
〈中秋月〉《音樂之旅》第一冊,Excellence Publication Co. Ltd.,2001年。頁90。
「香港音樂教育發展」載於《中國當代學校音樂教育研究文集》中國瀋陽:遼海出版社,2000年。頁329-359。"The Development of Music Education in Hong Kong." (in Chinese)
「香港的現代音樂」載於朱瑞冰編之《香港音樂發展概論》香港:三聯書店(香港)出版社,1999年。頁177-216。"Contemporary Music in Hong Kong." (In Chinese)
「香港新音樂委約創作年表 1970-1990」載於劉靖之編之《中國新音樂史論集》香港:香港大學亞洲研究中心,1992年。頁342-369。
"Catalogue of Commissioned Music Compositions in Hong Kong from 1970-1990." (In Chinese) In History of New Music in China: A
Critical Review 1885-1985. edited by Liu Ching-chih, 342-69. Hong Kong: Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1992.
Music Appreciation: The Classical Era. (in Chinese) Hong Kong: Hong Kong Philharmonic Society Ltd., 1989. 13pp.
Hong Kong Composers' Guild 1988: An Introduction to the Members of the Hong Kong Composers' Guild. (Bilingual: English & Chinese) ed. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Composers' Guild, 1988. 152pp.
A Guide to Orchestral Music. (Bilingual: English & Chinese) Hong Kong: Hong Kong Philharmonic Society Ltd., 1986. 44pp.