CHAN Kai-young
A Hong Kong-born composer, Kai-Young Chan focuses on the integration of nuance, relevance, and resonance in music that converses with societies and cultures. His creative practice centres on turning constraints into creative resource, such as the transformation of text-setting constraints in the tonal Cantonese language into an algorithmic composition device in contemporary idioms. His music is performed in various continents by the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Albany Symphony, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, PRISM Quartet, Daedalus Quartet, Mivos Quartet, and Choral Arts Initiative, among other prominent performers. His selected works are released on Ablaze Records, PARMA Recordings, and Innova Recordings, and his scores are published by Edition Peters (London).
Chan is part of the first American Composers Forum delegation to the Havana Festival for Contemporary Music in Cuba, a historic tour documented by the National Public Radio. His music is presented on international stages such as ISCM World Music Days, International Rostrum of Composers, June in Buffalo, and Internationalen Ferienkurse Darmstadt. He has won the Keuris Composition Prize, the Helen L. Weiss Composition Prize, the Dolce Suono Ensemble Composition Competition, the Orchestra Seattle and Seattle Chamber Singers Competition, and the Vocal Espoo Choral Composition Competition, among others.
After receiving his doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania, he joined the composition faculty at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), where he is currently an assistant professor. A recipient of the Faculty Outstanding Teaching Award, he has received multiple courseware development grants from CUHK to develop online games and videos for the blended learning of tonal and post-tonal harmony. Supported by commissions and grants from the Research Grants Council, the Hong Kong Philharmonic Society, Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong, and other institutions, his research focuses on unravelling the creative use of Cantonese text in Hong Kong contemporary music.
陳啟揚的音樂創作常受社會議題與自然聲響啟發,創作形式包括管弦樂、室內樂、合唱曲等,亦有糅合多媒體與民族樂器。作品曾獲匹茲堡交響樂團、阿巴尼交響樂團、香港管弦樂團、香港小交響樂團、米費斯四重奏、黛德拉斯弦樂四重奏、香港創樂團等於世界各地演奏。 陳啟揚曾於多個作曲比賽中獲獎,作品先後入選多個國際音樂節,包括國際現代音樂節(ISCM)世界音樂日、國際作曲家交流會議、水牛城六月、夏灣拿當代音樂節等。部分作品 由美國Ablaze、PARMA、Innova等唱片公司發行;樂譜則由 Edition Peters 出版社(倫敦)出版。 陳啟揚於美國賓夕法尼亞大學完成作曲博士學位,曾於同校任教樂理、胡琴,現為香港中文大學音樂系助理教授,其研究獲香港研究資助局等機構資助,探索粵語詞樂關係的創作規限如何在現代音樂中體現創意。
Seek, Seek (2014) [8’30”] for orchestra
Fall of Paulownia (2014) [8’] for orchestra
Ignis Fatuus II (2013) [8’] for string orchestra
vers le jardin japonais (2013) [7’] for orchestra
Les marées de la nuit (2012) [10’] for concert band
Nightmare Escape (2011) [4’] for chamber orchestra
Misty Morning by Lakeside (2010) [4’30”] for Chinese orchestra
Seek, Seek (2014) [9’] for oboe, clarinet, and strings
Mieko (2014) [7’] for solo flute
Toper of the Bamboo Grove (2014) [5’] for bass clarinet and cello
The River Remembers (2014) [1’30”] for flute, cello and piano
Moon over Pyrus Blossom (2014) [4’] for piano solo
Medley of Folk Tunes from Ethnic Minorities (2014) [5’] for erhu quintet
as the walls close in (2013) [1’30”] for viola, contrabass, and piano
Ignis Fatuus (2013) [8’30”] for string quartet
Parametrical Games (2013) [1’30”] for string quartet
Shimmers the Shivery Moon (2013) [7’30”] for flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano
L’esprit de la nuit (2013) [8’] for percussion trio
le vent de la nuit (2012) [4’30”] for alto flute and piano
Fata Morgana (2012) [7’30”] for oboe, bassoon, violin, viola, contrabass
Poetic Landscapes: Zheng Playing of Chan (2012) [8’] for dizi, sheng, erhu, zheng, and narrator
Les marées de la nuit (2011) [10’] for tam-tam and piano
Once Upon a Snowy Night (2011) [7’] for flute, viola, and harp
Tinkles in the Rain (2011) [7’30”] for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, and piano
Downstream (2010) [5’] for wind quintet
Lament (2010) [6’] for solo contrabass
Vocal/Choral works
Poem without a Title: Hard it is to Meet and Part (2014) [5’] for mezzo-soprano and piano
Under the Mid-Autumn Moon (2014) [4’] for mixed choir and piano
Songs of the Moon: Three Chinese Poems (2013) [14’] for mezzo-soprano, baritone, and harp
East-rail Speaks… (2012) [5’] for mixed speech choir
On the Same Boat (2014) [4’] for huqin quintet and erhu ensemble
The Moon Says (2013) [5’] for huqin quintet
Arabian Nights (2012) [4’] for Chinese orchestra
Prince Ali (2012) [3’] for Chinese orchestra
One Summer’s Day (2012) [4’] for Chinese instrumental ensemble
Two of Us (2011) [5’] for violin, cello, and piano
Doraemon Theme Song Medley (2010) [5’] for Chinese instrumental ensemble
Film Scores
The Missing Ring (2014)
Broken Me (2013)
Who am I? (2012)
尋尋覓覓 (2014) [8’30”] 管弦樂作品
桐華恨 (2014) [8’] 管弦樂作品
雲隱 (2013) [7’] 管弦樂作品
鬼火 II (2013) [8’] 弦樂團作品
夜潮(2012) [10’] 管樂團作品
夢魘(2011) [4’] 室內管弦樂作品
流雲組曲(2010) [4’30”] 中樂團作品
尋尋覓覓 (2014) [9’] 雙簧管、單簧管與弦樂
三重子 (2014) [7’] 長笛獨奏
酒狂隨想(2014) [5’] 低音單簧管與大提琴
那日河川(2014) [1’30”] 長笛、大提琴與鋼琴
月照梨花 (2014) [4’] 鋼琴獨奏
少數民族樂曲聯奏(2014) [5’] 胡琴五重奏
圍城縛 (2013) [1’30”] 中提琴、低音大提琴與鋼琴
鬼火 (2013) [8’30”] 弦樂四重奏
變數遊戲 (2013) [1’30”] 弦樂四重奏
月光寒(2013) [7’30”] 長笛、單簧管、小提琴、低音大提琴與鋼琴
夜森之靈(2013) [8’] 敲擊樂三重奏
晚來風 (2012) [4’30”] 中音長笛與鋼琴
蜃景 (2012) [7’30”] 雙簧管、巴松管、小提琴、中提琴與低音大提琴
聽陳蕾氏的琴箏(2012) [8’] 笛子、笙、二胡、古箏與旁述
夜潮(2011) [10’] 低音大鑼與鋼琴
夜雪重(2011) [7’] 長笛、中提琴與鋼琴
雨霖鈴曲(2011) [7’30”] 長笛、單簧管、小提琴、大提琴與鋼琴
流水(2010) [5’] 管樂五重奏
輓歌(2010) [6’] 低音大提琴獨奏
詩篇二十三篇 (2015) [4’] 三部女聲合唱與鋼琴 (粵語)
無題:相見時難別亦難(2014) [5’] 次女高音與鋼琴(粵語)
水調歌頭(2014) [4’] 四部混聲合唱與鋼琴 (粵語)
月訣:古詩詞三首(2013) [14’] 次女高音、男中音與豎琴 (粵語)
火車話 (2012) [5’] 三部混聲創意樂動 (粵語)
同舟之情(2014) [4’] 胡琴五重奏與二胡齊奏
月亮說 (2013) [5’] 胡琴五重奏
阿拉丁組曲 (2012) [7’] 中樂團
那年夏天 (2012) [4’] 中樂團小組
我倆 (2011) [5’] 鋼琴三重奏
叮噹與多啦A夢(2010) [5’] 中樂團小組