CHAN Joshua
Dr. Joshua Chan is Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong where he has been teaching since 1995. He has written 190 compositions and arrangements, in diversified styles, for various media including orchestral, electronic, chamber, vocal, theatre, ballet, and pop recording. International events in which Chan's work were featured include: International Rostrum of Composers (1988, 1993, 2002, 2005); ISCM World Music Days (1995, 2002 & 2007); International Computer Music Conference (1993); Asian Composers' League Conference & Festival (1990, 1992, 2010, 2011 & 2012); Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra Concert (1998); ballet performances by the London Studio Centre in 7 cities in UK (2002); the First Chinese Composers Festival (1986); Hong Kong Arts Festival (1984, 1994, 1998-2001); New Zealand International Arts Festival (2004); Singapore Chinese Orchestra Session Concert (2001); the Fifth Asia-Pacific Harmonica Festival (2004); Musicarama Festivals (1992-2012); the Fifth Osaka International Chamber Music Festa (2005), etc. Chan's works have been published on 10 compact discs of 7 different labels. Chan also serves the community as the Chairman of the Hong Kong Composers' Guild; the Chairman of the Asian Composers League (2007-2012); the Chairman of the CDC-HKEAA Committee on Music Curriculum (Senior Secondary of the new 3+3+4 academic system) and an Expert Advisor for the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. Joshua Chan was commended by the HKSAR Government in the Secretary for Home Affairs' Commendation Scheme 2007 for the Persons with Outstanding Contributions to the Development of Arts and Culture.
陳錦標博士是香港大學音樂系副教授,自1995年起任教至今。他為管弦樂、室樂、電子音樂、聲樂、舞台劇、芭蕾舞、流行音樂等各類型媒體寫有風格多樣化的原創及改編作品超過一百九十多首。作品在國際的演出場合有:國際作曲家論壇(1988, 1993, 2002, 2005);國際現代音樂協會世界音樂日(1995, 2002, 2007);國際電腦音樂會議(1993);亞洲作曲家同盟音樂節(1990, 1992, 2010, 2011, 2012);東京管弦樂團音樂會(1998);倫敦舞蹈中心英國9個城市芭蕾舞巡迴表演(2002);第一屆中國現代作曲家音樂節(1986);香港藝術節(1984, 1994, 1998-2001);紐西蘭國際藝術節(2004);新加坡華樂團樂季音樂會(2001);第五屆亞太口琴節(2004);音樂新文化(1992-2012);第五屆大阪國際室樂表演大賽(2005)等。陳錦標的作品已分別灌錄在十張鐳射唱片上。在社會服務上,陳錦標也擔任 香港作曲家聯會主席、亞洲作曲家同盟主席(2007-2012)、香港課程發展議會暨考試評審局新高中音樂科課程與評核委員會主席、及康樂文化事務處藝術顧問等公職。陳錦標於2007年獲頒民政事務局長嘉許獎章,以表揚他在本地文化藝術發展上的貢獻。
Movement for Orchestra
Three Ideas in Two Parts
Cauldron of the Naked Soul
Devotions of Morning Fragrance
Reverie of Green Pastures
Prelude to 97
In the Days of the Travelling Tram
Love in Hong Kong Suite No.1 (arr)
Perpetuity con Amora
Mulan: Ballet in Three Acts
Distant Thoughts
Towering Dance
Love in Hong Kong Suite No.2 (arr)
Sunshine Rhapsody
Plus More
Mulan Suite
Prosperous Spirit
The Tiny Shan Pui River
Winds Crescenti
The Great Verdigris Bell
The Dream of Colours
Love in Hong Kong Suite No.3 (arr)
The Soaring Swallow II
Rainy Day
Responding Rhymes
The Resplendent Sunlight
The Flying Dragon
Prelude and Allegro
By the River
Graceful Girl
Spiritual Transformation
Midnight Prayer
Deep Within My Soul
Nine Heavens
Hallucination in a Five-Mile Fog
The Soaring Swallow
Songful Blaze of Colour
Speeding Across the Sky
Circular Triangle
Images of Mulan
Distant Reflection
Kay Jay
Fair Ladies
Skyland Ascended
Lantern Shadows
Southern Wind
Moments of Peace
Unknown Journey
Falling Leaves
Fated Night
God Loves the World
Hong Kong Districts
Children on Holidays
Happy Dream
《Kay Jay》