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香港當代音樂節 2020:亞洲薈萃


Resonance, Sregnis Singers

留聲樂團 、合唱俠

A cappella concert with Resonance 

無伴奏合唱音樂會 - 留聲樂團

12.12. 2020  8PM

Qiang Jin Jiu

Tam Chin-fai, Samuel (Hong Kong) *


Sigh of not being with you

Sakinu Tjakisuvun (arranger) (Taiwan)

Anyone Here?

Cheng Zen-in, Michelle (Hong Kong)


Hsieh Yu-wai ( Taiwan )

Rain Fragments

Leung Pak-hei, Alvin (Hong Kong)

Song of Puyuma

Sakinu Tjakisuvun (arranger) (Taiwan)

* Commissioned composer




邱恩 【編曲】 (台灣)




謝宇威 (台灣)



邱恩 【編曲】 (台灣)


* 委約作曲家

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Resonance 1.jpg

A cappella concert with Sregnis Singers

無伴奏合唱音樂會 - 合唱俠

19.12.2020  8PM

Ave Maria

Pang Kwan Kevin (Hong Kong)


A Way Out...

Viola Yuen (Hong Kong)


Ng Wah-hei (Hong Kong) *


Tang Chak-yan (Hong Kong)

One Step

Lee Pui-shan, Sandy (Hong Kong)

* Commissioned composer



​出路 ...









* 委約作曲家

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 Sregnis Singers 合唱俠                                            音樂總監:阮慧玲博士

Appraised as “very well-polished in tone and style” by the world's best loved a cappella ensemble The King's Singers, and as “The Hong Kong equivalent of the Swingle Singers!” by Japanese media, The Sregnis Singers is the first and one of the very few classical-style a cappella ensembles in Hong Kong.

Established in 1994 by 10 enthusiastic musicians, The Sregnis Singers has been singing in 'King's Singers' style'.  With lots of classical choral works in its repertoire, it also does orchestral transcriptions and pop songs.  Unlike the 6-part King's Singers, Sregnis Singers normally has 9 singers, with two altos and one mezzo-soprano, but it also does SSAATTBB in some occasions.

The Sregnis Singers is also known for frequently performing works from local contemporary composers. It has premiered works by Doming Lam, Joyce Tang, Samuel Tam, Julian Chan, Issac Hui, Li Cheong, Eric Tse and Viola Yuen, to name a few.


The Sregnis Singers was one of the Hong Kong representative teams in the Xi’an International Horticultural Exposition. It participated in Professor Victor Chan’s project in recording the “Chung Chi College 60th Anniversary Celebration Theme Song”. It also took part in pop singer Sammi Cheng’s album as a group of backup vocalists.

「合唱俠」成立於1994年,是本港第一隊無伴奏小組合唱組合 (a cappella ensemble) ,也是本港極少數的古典派無伴奏合唱組合,獲享譽全球的 King’s Singers讚譽為「音色、風格皆十分精煉」,又獲日本傳媒讚譽為「香港的Swingle Singers」。


「合唱俠」由十位熱愛小組合唱的音樂家創立,走 King's Singers 的路線,曲風和唱腔都是古典風格,classical choral 的味道強烈。一般編制是五女四男SSAAATTBB,加強了女中低音的比例,有時也會是四女四男SSAATTBB,跟六人的 King's Singers不同。選曲方面除了 King's Singers 的編曲作品、本地當代嚴肅作品外,也有一些影視改編作品和流行歌曲,跟以唱流行歌為主的本地無伴奏界別有所不同。



「合唱俠」曾應特區政府邀請,代表香港參與「西安國際園藝博覽會」表演;曾獲陳偉光教授邀請,灌錄中文大學崇基學院六十週年「崇基頌歌」;曾參與無線電視劇 “4 in Love”的配樂錄音;也曾替流行歌手鄭秀文和音。


Resonance 留聲樂團

Resonance is made up of a group of music lovers who wish to “leave” (留) the audiences a good impression of “sound” (聲)after its performance of voice-only music. The styles of its repertoire range from classical to pop, and it incorporates the music elements of the indigenous of Taiwan and Hakka as well. It aims at creating a unique voice of Taiwan.





2019             - First Runner-up, International Hakka Popular Music Festival

2018             - Silver Prize, Community Group, World Cup of Contemporary A Cappella Competition

                     - Silver Medal, Community Group, Taiwan Cup of Contemporary A Cappella Competition

                     - First Runner-up, Hakka Choral Competition

                    - First Runner-up, International Hakka Popular Music Festival

2016            - Finalist, Asian Cup of International A Cappella Music Festival

                    - Silver Prize, Community Group, World Cup of Contemporary A Cappella Competition

                    - Silver Prize, Community Group, Taiwan Cup of Contemporary A Cappella Competition



2019             國際客家流行音樂節 第二名

2018             世界盃現代阿卡貝拉大賽 社會組 銀牌獎

                     臺灣盃現代阿卡貝拉大賽 社會組 金牌第二名

                     客家合唱比賽 第二名

                     國際客家流行音樂節 第二名

2016             國際阿卡貝拉藝術節 亞洲盃 決選

                     世界盃現代阿卡貝拉大賽 社會組 銀牌獎

                     臺灣盃現代阿卡貝拉大賽 社會組 銀牌獎

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