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Ng Yan-ling Illuminatius


伍氏的不同作品屢次獲邀作首演,包括於香港電台第四台、西九龍文化區、台灣當代文化實驗室(C-LAB)、及維也納Palais Ehrbar等,並獲2019年聯合國可持續發展高級別政治論壇之「和諧與和平」周邊會議委約,於紐約開幕禮上首演,大獲好評。伍氏亦經常與香港及世界著名團體及藝術家合作,包括羅曼四重奏、香港創樂團、創不同及敲擊襄等等。

Ng Yan-ling Illuminatius is now studying at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, majoring in music composition and electronic music. She was awarded the Lions Music Charity Foundation Scholarships, Parson Outstanding Composition Student for Creative Music Scholarships, and The Society of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Merit Awards for Local Students during her four years of study. Her works won many awards, including the second place in the 2017 Golden Key Music Festival - Piano Composition Competition in New York, the United States, the first place in the 2022 Hong Kong Original Film Music Outstanding Jury Recommendation Award, organized by Hong Kong Film Composers’ Association, and the third place in New Generation 2023, organised by Hong Kong Composers’ Guild etc.

Ng’s work has been premiered and broadcasted in Radio Television Hong Kong Radio 4, West Kowloon District, and Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab(C-LAB), and Palais Ehrbar in Vienna. She was also well received in the opening ceremony of “The Side Event at the 2019 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development under the auspices of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations: Harmony and Peace” which was commissioned in New York, the United States in 2019. NG worked with various music groups, artists in Hong Kong and wordwide, including Romer String Quartet, Hong Kong New Music Ensemble, MaD (Make A Difference), and Toolbox Percussion etc.



We all hope to be at ease and face our daily life calmly. When we muster up the courage to face difficulties, the truth is that there are far more problems than solutions. The work aims to describe the world, which is immeasurable and unfathomable.

Enigma is divided into 4 sections. The first section, ‘Mysterious’ uses various uneven rhythms and dissonant intervals to explore the unique sounds for percussion quartet, such as playing on the edge of the bar with mallet handles. The music outlines the impact of matters going against people’s wishes, bringing out that when faced with unresolved turmoil, people feel troubled and helpless. The second section, ‘Trap’ utilizes the alternation of percussion instruments, accompanied by scattered rhythms, depicts the perplexity when people facing with difficulties. ‘Lost’ uses free tempo (senza misura) and diverse timbral changes (for example, the sound of superball for bass drum, tam-tam, snare drum, and the sound of a coin to scraping a cymbal) to illustrate the helplessness of people in obstacles. The last section, ‘Energetic’, the unison aims to describe that people can face the hurdles in front of them with optimism.

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