LEUNG Hong-yu
Leung Hong-yu is a second-year undergraduate student at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). His compositions are mainly in the contemporary style. His work Echoes of Spring was selected for the ‘New Generation 2020 Call for Scores’ organized by the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild. Anechoic Scream and Deadline Jitters were selected for the CUHK Ensemble-in-Residence 2020 - 2021 and 2019 - 2020 respectively.
Apart from Western music, Leung has forayed into composing Chinese music. In 2020, his Night Thoughts premiered on the 5G live broadcasting concert ‘Music from the Heart’. It was followed by Pureness and Finding the Light, which were selected for the ‘HKCO Net Festival – With New Tunes, We Connect’.
Leung is now majoring in violin under the tutelage of Goh Ching. Previously, he was a pupil of Alan Kwong and Janson Lung.
香港中文大學音樂系學士二年級生。他的作品《春迴》被香港作曲家聯會舉辦的「音樂新一代 2020」選中,而藉著《消聲吶喊》和《Deadline Jitters》更讓梁氏有機會與 Cong 四重奏合作。
除西樂之外,他亦勇於創作中樂。2020 年,《夜醒憶飛》於 5G 網上直播音樂會「心樂集」中 亮相,隨後他的《純粹》和《盼》更入選了為疫情所設的「同聲抗疫-香港網上中樂節」之「新韻傳音」。