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HO Sung-chi Steve

Born in Hong Kong, Dr Ho is a graduate of the University of British Columbia and a multi-award-winning composer whose achievements include the PROCAN 1987 and CAPAC 1988 of Canada; and the 21st Hong Kong Film Award for his soundtrack My Life As McDull. In addition, his mass choral work Music of the Spheres has been awarded the CASH's 2005 Golden Sail Award in the most widely performed serious music category. In 2015, the movie Mcdull, me and my mom won the prestigious Gold Horse award for Best Animation and for which Dr Ho wrote the film score.

As a lyricist and a composer, Dr Ho's passion is to write Cantonese choral music. The result is over a hundred compositions and numerous musicals that are full of the colours of Hong Kong, for instance, the 35th anniversary musical Hong Kong Rocks commissioned by HKCC. Internationally, Dr Ho's music has been featured repeatedly in festivals and competitions such as the Pacific Piano Competition 1999 in Richmond, Canada; the CFMTA's Musical Odyssey 2001 in Kelowna, Canada; the World Choral Symposium 2003 in Switzerland; the Polyfollia 2006 in France; the SongBridge 2008 in Denmark; the World Youth and Children's Choir Festival 2017 and the Belt and Road World Choral Festival 2018.

Dr Ho is currently the BME program leader and an assistant professor in the Department of Cultural and Creative Arts at the Education University of Hong Kong and appointed Adjunct Professor by the South China Normal University. He is the Composer in Residence of HKCC since 2010.

何崇志出生於香港,在加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學獲取音樂藝術博士學位。深造期間,多次在加拿大全國作曲比賽中獲獎,包括PROCAN 1987及CAPAC 1988。在2002年,何氏為電影《麥兜故事》所創作的音樂獲香港電影金像獎最佳電影音樂之殊榮,隨後他再為《麥兜菠蘿油王子》等多齣電影創作配樂。何氏創作之大型合唱作品《宇宙的山歌》榮獲2005年度香港作曲及作詞家協會本地正統音樂最廣泛演出「金帆獎」,而於2015年度金馬奬中榮獲最佳動畫的《麥兜.我和我媽媽》之電影配樂亦是出自他的手筆。

何氏一向熱愛以廣東話譜寫合唱,其作品數量過百,並受到廣泛演出。何氏亦致力推動原創歌舞劇,筆下有《鐘聲傳說》、《鼓手奇兵》、「香兒」35周年音樂劇《石孩子之香港一日遊》等,充滿香港色彩。在國際舞台,何氏多次應邀為多個音樂節撰寫樂章,包括加拿大The Pacific Piano Competition 1999、加拿大CFMTA’s Musical Odyssey 2001、瑞士World Choral Symposium 2003、法國Polyfollia 2006及丹麥SongBridge 2008等。何氏現任職於香港教育大學,為其當代音樂及演奏教育學課程主任及助理教授,並於2010年起擔任香港兒童合唱團駐團作曲家。

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